

Startup Wants To Build Cube Satellite To Monitor For UFOs In Earths Orbit, Nov 2015, UFO Sighting News.

Date of project: Nov 2015
Funding project:

Now this is interesting. A startup group is creating a cube satellite project to monitor for aliens and UFOs. This technology in public hands could be the event that causes full disclosure of the existence of aliens. Sounds good, but I am a bit concerned about what kinds of cameras they will be using. If I was to make this, it would have infrared video and normal video,  also live and viewable on internet by all the public. Much like the ISS live cams. I hope it works and I hope they gather some evidence while its in orbit. 
Scott C. Waring

Funding site states:
Ionized radiation: we have a scintillation counter, that enables us to measure the various radiation in our satellites environment. This is significant as it enables us to detect high energy particles, radiation, and other phenomenon. Cameras: we will use two cameras with parabolic lenses, giving us a clear 360 degree view around our satellite. Radar: while this is a hope, but may not be feasible, we would like to have radar capabilities on our sat. Mini radars do exist, but they are a very new technology, so it may be difficult to get our hands on it. Radar would give us another tool for measurement, and would be among the first radars in space. If we raise enough funds, maybe we can get a radar on our sat, and have the ability to concretely verify objects in space. Regardless of radar, our radiation detection and imagery will give us enough to verify high energy emitting objects in space.


  1. Lets hope that the gov or other wont shot it down and make it asa natural phenomen like a meteroite crhashing in to it.

    1. BINGO, you took the words out of my mouth...

      Yea my very impression on this ill add is that the established & biggest space prog NASA & the SG & Sec Space Prog et all, do not want competition that not only dip into there space exploritory finacial profit margins but most importantly may bring true ET info to the world imo.

  2. i sent 100 dollars to receive live Data , i hope this project will be funded , and thx you Scott to promote it
    do you have send 100 dollars also Scott?

    1. No, I would need a live Internet link to video from it before I would say its what we need. With out that, the person can edit what they think we should and shouldn't see, meaning they may miss some valuable sightings or be to afraid to show us.

  3. We will be including a checksum with each data sample sent from the satellite, for absolute verification that samples aren't tampered with.

    1. Very cool. Hey so Dave, any chance of getting a live video feed over the Internet of it. I'm sure it would low quality video to keep it flowing, but is that even a possibility in this project? Hey, good work by the way.

  4. Not likely due to data constraints, but how about a near-video-stream of images? We can extract the thumbnails of intermittent images, each thumbnail is 100kb as opposed to 1+Mb of most pics. So we have an ultra-low-rez stream, like 1 to 5 frames per second. Then on image analysis, when light factors change in image comparisons, and also when radiation or other elements are detected, then we switch to the higher-rez to capture the anomaly. We're working on this. Also consider: we want HAM frequency, which is slow (we'd need to do HEX as morse is WAYYYYYYY too slow), then anyone with a radio on Earth could track the real-time data. Plus the checksum. Now there's verifiable for you!


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