

UFO Caught Over Park In Uttar Pradesh, India Reports TV News, Nov 2015, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: November 2015
Location of sighting: Uttar Pradesh, India
News source: First India News

This is odd, but we have seen a run of large UFOs in the sky behind people, so is this an iPhone app program that makes the giant UFOs in the sky, or is this real? Thats hard to determine but I have noticed the UFO is always in the same place in everyones photos. 
Scott C. Waring

News states: 
This is the incident of the Kashi region of Uttar Pradesh where few students claimed that they have witnessed a change in the weather and that was because of a UFO landing. An MBA student of the SMS college said that to celebrate a friend's birthday they went out in a nearby park. During the cake cutting session they took some pictures and later they realized that something unusual ha been captured in the pictures. They said it was round unidentified object flying above in the sky. Where on the other hand weather scientists have termed it as a shape formed due to air.