

UFO Gives Spectators Show Over North Korea On Sept 15, 2015, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: September 15, 2015
Location of sighting: North Korea

Here is a TV show from Mexico that talks about a North Korea UFO sighting. The sighting took place back in Sept of this year and shows a UFO and its shields changing its color. As the UFO gets close to the clouds it appears white, and in between the clouds against the blue sky its metallic. During the show he mentions that most North Koreans are not allowed to own a camera, so the person who uploaded it is taking a big chance. Punishment in North Korea is often death. This is really incredible footage. 
Scott C. Waring


  1. Now that's UFOs I would say , you CAN see the shape and clearly see that these are flying with direction and purpose, they may know of the camera ban of course? So not be so worried about detection who knows brilliant though and as near proof as you can get normally I think when I see these video as and pictures often blurry out of focus with no defined shapes that it could be anything from a plastic bag blowing in the wind to of course toy drones flying far away but with these shots I think these are real well done

  2. I remember once they showed a picture of 8+' being who was considered some type of alien in a North Korean military March.

  3. God's Angels observe the people of God. . . Luke 12:8-9;15:10 1 Corinthians 4:9;11:10 Ephesians 3:10 1 Timothy 5:21 1 Peter 1:12 They perform the will of God Psalm 104:4 Daniel 7:10 They inquire into the prophetical plan of God Daniel 12:5-6

  4. Observing what North Korea is doing testing nukes lately. And they arent too pleased. They will not allow this to continue much longer.

  5. Observing what North Korea is doing testing nukes lately. And they arent too pleased. They will not allow this to continue much longer.


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