

UFO Near Space Station Makes Beam Of Light Scanning Earth! Jan 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: January 28, 2016
Location of sighting: Earths orbit at ISS

This UFO was caught by Streetcap1 of Youtube and shows a UFO with a beam of light hitting Earth. The UFO is scanning the planet for some reason, probably trying to calculate the number of life forms/types in the ocean. Human pollution and how fast we destroy our own planet does concern them...since it was theirs long before it was ours. 
Scott C. Waring

Streetcap1 of Yotube states: 
These appeared at the right hand side of the screen briefly then moved out of frame again. I took a still photo of them and sharpened the picture which appears at the beginning and end of this short video. Streetcap1.


  1. "Human pollution and how fast we destroy our own planet does concern them...since it was theirs long before it was ours."

    You can't just go around making up things like this, then claiming they are factual. Scott really doesn't care about his reputation at all. Laughable at BEST.

  2. why does it have the same speed and direction as the spacestation?

  3. Good watching Scott

  4. Scott light rays cannot be seen in space So why is there a striated ray

  5. what's the blue thing at top middle of screen at 00:14??

  6. Where was this over? A few days ago my Dad and I were playing video games and we both saw a flash of light that lit up the entire sky in our side view through the living room picture window. I continued to look out the window and saw what appeared to be a giant spot light scanning the entire area. The source appeared to be a purple light but shot white light across the sky. It was approximately 7pm to 8pm Jan 27th. Swift Current Saskatchewan Canada. Anyone else see this?

  7. This is the kind of crap website for idiots that makes the entire UFO phenomenon a joke.

  8. This website is for idiots.

  9. Scott, I would like to apologize for my response to Jared's post. I lost my temper. I see you removed the story on planet x. I hope this is not my doing. I assume Jared send a response to the whole mother sheep lover thing. Again I apologize and look foreword to commenting your stories in the future as I have had many personal experiences with unexplainable things. Keep up the good work!

  10. that light seems to have abrupt ending light light beam you saw from fake plane hologram that had a thinner but similar beam that is in this video. maybe theyre trying to say ,''look at this, surely you notice THIS as something otherworldy''. maybe they are ratchreting up weirdness so you will finally get the message.

  11. oh ,so this was 28 January, same day as loud booms in east coast of usa. loud booms then long beam of light at earth.

  12. Looks like a flare since the alleged ufo stays in the exact same spot on the camera as the camera itself moves in orbit...obvious

  13. Looks like a flare since the alleged ufo stays in the exact same spot on the camera as the camera itself moves in orbit...obvious

  14. Come on credibility is what's required

  15. Obviously a reflection from inside the ISS

  16. Looks like a lightening sprite to me.

  17. The video showing a UFO immersing the ISS in a hue of purple was even more mesmerizing, yet, it seems to have disappeared, or was taken down just as I was viewing it.

  18. very cool Scott, keep it up man! to those who slander you or your site back off, Scott is giving his best interpretation of what it could be, no one knows what these things are 100 percent until they actually land in our front yards and have chat with us.....

  19. I feel like these lights mean something nice... as if there healing the earth 0_o


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