

Multiple UFOs Over Las Vegas Catches Residents Attention, Feb 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: February 25, 2016
Location of sighting: Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Steven Barone, a UFO researcher in Las Vegas caught this amazing video, near Nellis and Area 51 AFB this week. Notice each UFO has a wingman with him. Flying in pairs makes it safer for them if military jets want to play their games of cat and mouse. Steven has an awesome night vision camera that shows fantastic detail. Tools of the trade, that even a cloaked UFO cannot hide from. 
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness Steven Barone states:
This video was captured in Las Vegas, Nevada on the night of February 25, 2016. It was a great night for the night vision camera. I began filming a light to the south before it was fully dark. Initially, I wasn't sure what it was but know to film just in case. It turned out to be an interesting capture because it ended up being a minimum of four lights which ultimately disappeared below a nearby rooftop. The second set of lights were to the north and I knew immediately that they were special and began filming them because I have filmed similar lights many times before in the same location. What's so interesting about them is the formations they were flying in and how slowly they were moving. The most interesting thing of all is that this time I know their destination because the camera followed them to Nellis Air Force Base. They also flew to a very strange area I have filmed on many occasions. It is a location where hundreds of lights seemingly appear out of thin air. I could visually see the lights to the south but the lights to the north did not reveal themselves visually. Finally, in both the north and south videos you will also see airplanes flying through the scene. The aircraft that were flying in the video from the north are very likely military because they appeared to be flying in restricted airspace. You can tell when you are looking at an airplane because the flashing beacon is much stronger and more pronounced.


  1. yet again, more orb lights skulking use...btw mr. waring, saw a contrail plane other night but the trial made a slow fanning motion across the whole sky. like it was a slow searchlight...maybe a fake ufo plane...there was missile test off california earlier...maybe ufo checking it out...fake planes....

    1. I hate those contrails trails. Poisoning the world slowly. It sounds like you got some alien activity over there. Keep an eye out during sunset or use an ir lens on a camcorder during the day. I recorded some cool things that way.

    2. I knew it,n I believe !!!!
      Their out there,,,,
      I was born in 1947,,,,Area 51
      Have seen for myself !!!!

    3. Anon & attention. This is important. Contrails are a "Good Thing". (CHEMTRAILS are EVIL GENOCIDE) The word 'Con' stands for condensation which is what naturally occurs behind jets and rapidly dissipates. So a "contrail" is natural. CHEM stands for "chemical" which is the death spray. It spreads out in feathers across the sky. Then falls and rains on us. What you say you hate is actually the (CHEMTRAILS). Namaste

    4. PS...........That is an amazing capture! Kudos!

  2. Not sure how to send info, Scott, but here's a good one with great pics.

  3. Saw what appeared to be military Ultra High tech UFO. Coming from west from Summerlin, darting @ supersonic speed intermittently, when hit approx Over SE unpopulated area Lit up abt 10-20x brighter then any star in Sky. It then descended and appeared to Land @ im assuming Nellis or Henderson Airport. While it was flying it streamed out bursts of light into various directions. It was, i assume military as the beacon lights came on when it cam into fly zone airspace of other Aircraft. So while not necc extraterrestrial, it was amazing to witness the speed and brightness it demonstrated.
    What is amazing to me is the paucity of corroborate witnesses information. I cant be the only one that saw this. It was NO ordinary aircraft, to be sure.
    Anyone else witness this over vegas Feb 29 2016?

  4. Saw what appeared to be military Ultra High tech UFO. Coming from west from Summerlin, darting @ supersonic speed intermittently, when hit approx Over SE unpopulated area Lit up abt 10-20x brighter then any star in Sky. It then descended and appeared to Land @ im assuming Nellis or Henderson Airport. While it was flying it streamed out bursts of light into various directions. It was, i assume military as the beacon lights came on when it cam into fly zone airspace of other Aircraft. So while not necc extraterrestrial, it was amazing to witness the speed and brightness it demonstrated.
    What is amazing to me is the paucity of corroborate witnesses information. I cant be the only one that saw this. It was NO ordinary aircraft, to be sure.
    Anyone else witness this over vegas Feb 29 2016?

  5. The first lights shown in the first half of the video are clearly headlights of quad bikes or motorcycles as you can see the beams playing on the terrain.

  6. Scott, the light in the mountains, amplified by your low light camera, is most likely ATV or off-road bikers with their bright lights. I got tricked by this very same thing here in Henderson with bikers on top of the Black Mountain range. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a skeptic, i've seen some pretty strange stuff too in these mountains, including Blue meteors coming straight down from the sky. Keep on watching, but be careful on your analysis.

  7. Scott, the light in the mountains, amplified by your low light camera, is most likely ATV or off-road bikers with their bright lights. I got tricked by this very same thing here in Henderson with bikers on top of the Black Mountain range. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a skeptic, i've seen some pretty strange stuff too in these mountains, including Blue meteors coming straight down from the sky. Keep on watching, but be careful on your analysis.

  8. Scott, the lights in the mountain are most likely off-road bikers or ATV's. I've been tricked by this exact same thing here in Henderson over the Black mountains. However, keep watching, I've seen some strange stuff also.


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