

UFO/House Object Near Trees In Romania On Google Earth, HD, Feb 29, 2016, UFO Sighting Daily News.

Date of discovery: unknown
Location of discovery: Romania
Google coordinates: 45°42'12.11"N 21°18'8.88"E

This UFO-like object has been seen many times over the years, but no one has made a video with the views over it from 2003 to 2016, including a 3D view of it which is proof its not a water tower, it is sitting flat on the ground. There are no doorways and there are no roads or paved walkways. It is hiding under the trees, with a line of trees blocking it from all sides. This looks very suspicious to me. Even though the house and are looks old and desolate, the buildings near the UFO were not even there in 2003, but look old, probably made to look old on purpose to keep people away. 
Scott C. Waring

Update March 5, 2016: Close ups of this object were found and it appears to be a UFO shaped house...or a secret way to hide a real UFO? Remember in MIB when the UFO on top of the Seattle Space Needle was a real one, but put in a place where no one would suspect. Still a beautiful structure if its just a house. SCW


  1. It looks like something buried in the ground. Maybe underground storage or preppers base

    1. Its just a simple water tower in a park in Timisoara city.funny looking but just a water tower.

    2. It does look like a building with the paths going to and from it, its being used for something. Loving the new intro Scott ;-)

  2. cool object ,but I think those farmer most did know abaout it bicuse the had buld higher fence gate.or isit secret military hause? im a beliver.

  3. Great find Scott. Maybe it's time for a trip to Romania for better pictures? - BRANDON KUHN

  4. Hi Scott, I found another one quite close to this one. I slightly on the left in a rectangular area. I named it "UFO on the ground. They seems to be some kind of structures..

  5. Now that we have the coordinates - why doesn't someone just go out there and check it out ASAP

    1. Ok ok now stand by 3 2 1 here goes, its a very old Romanian Carnival Display OR if not that, the latest vr's of CGI visual software combined...

      Guys & Gals theres Orbital Geo Sat Tech orbiting around hundreds of miles up around YOUR WORLD your peesently standin on for the time being, that do in all likelihood specialize in spoting these kind of anomolies when they enter & exit this worlds atmospher, & IF detected crashed or abandoned, RETRIEVE IT ASAP, W/ NO HOLDS BARED if necessary either here or anywhere abroad, & naturally the SecGov will quarantine that area & take it away from curious minds extremely quickly & & & COVER THERE TRACKS even...

      MU ha ha ha ha funny presentation tho.

  6. "why doesn't someone just go out there and check it out ASAP". Because as soon as someone reveals the boring facts that this is all natural, there's no option to tell thrilling stories about what this might be ;-)

  7. Scott you see only what you want to see and fail to do any real investigative work yourself. In that picture you can see farm land that has been maintained. Did you ever think to try and track down the owner of the land? Or see if someone would be willing to go to that spot and see what's there? Before you continue to make wild assumptions about faces on rocks or downed ufo please take one second to consider other possibilities and actual scientific/psychological evidence.

  8. Hello Scott,

    Here is your 'UFO'in a real picture:'12.1%22N+21%C2%B018'08.9%22E/@45.7033743,21.3021001,3a,75y,90t/data=!3m8!1e2!3m6!1s-mHHQ1xBef7I%2FVXhzfTMKXJI%2FAAAAAAAAAEM%2FIxt9_CNHkas!2e4!3e12!!7i599!8i401!4m2!3m1!1s0x0:0x0?hl=hu

    It is really handmade and maybe unidentified but not flying! :-)

    1. LOL, I realized that later, but I'll keep the post up. I didn't swear it was a UFO, just that it looked like a UFO and was in a suspicious location.

  9. It is a Building for Water Treatment :
    No Ufo.
    Greetings from Germany

  10. 2nd Website :

    No Ufo. Just a building.
    Greetings from Germany

  11. It's a green-house. The owner is pissed at having his tomatoes trampled by UFO seekers

  12. Hi Scott,

    I know this part of Romania quite well having lived there for a short while. Just to correct a point on your video. Firstly the location is not in the middle of nowhere. In fact its just outside Romania's 3rd biggest city Timisoara. If the intention was to hide a UFO then there are far better locations throughout the country. Secondly, although I love Romania it is a poor country with a decreasing population,these type of rundown farm buildings are everywhere.It looks to me like some kind of military/aviation junk, quite possible as Timisoara was/is a military airbase. Anyhow I'm going back there later this month so I may give it a closer look!

  13. Hi Scott. This UFO is spectacular. In my channel Marcelo Irazusta had posted a video with 13 other UFO's in Google Earth.

    Some are very interesting.
    Sent this another amazing discovery. It found two very similar entries on the Moon and Mars. They are very clear. If you like you can publish.

    Thank you very much for all the good it publishes.
    Greetings from Argentina

  14. This is just a building on someones property. Look at the image of it:

  15. SCOTT ITS A BUILDING. HERE IT IS ON GOOGLE MAPS.'12.11%22N+21%C2%B018'8.88%22E//@45.7033743,21.3021001,3a,75y,90t/data=!3m8!1e2!3m6!1s-mHHQ1xBef7I%2FVXhzfTMKXJI%2FAAAAAAAAAEM%2FIxt9_CNHkas!2e4!3e12!!7i599!8i401!4m6!4m5!1m3!2m2!1d21.3024667!2d45.7033639!1m0?hl=en

  16. The OP must be a city dweller born with a golden rattle. First off, this farm house is not run down and the property isnt covered in junk. If you have ever been to a real working farm, at least a farm in rural Canada, you will see that people store useful items in piles all around their yard. Scrap lumber piles, maybe a fresh soil, manure or gravel pile and even spare tires or tractor parts piled up are a necessity on the farm. And this house and property actually look pretty well maintained. The 8ft gate is obviously across a driveway btw and is probably for keeping animals in rather than securing the site. And im assuming you meant 8ft wide and not 8ft tall, since i have no idea how you would be able to judge the height, even if you were using 3D mode.

    Secondly, this 'ufo' hardly looks newer than anything else on the property. In my opinion it looks like a set piece from one of those 1940's sci-fi movies, but is more than likely some outbuilding for the farm, like possibly a silo or water storage and the windows on top open to fill it.

  17. Just a water tower in Timisoara city.simple as that.funny is that its really look like an ufo from above.but is just a water tower.

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