

Building On Mars Found Using Rover Micro Imager Camera, March 52016, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: March 5, 2016
Location of sighting: Mars
Source photo:
Date Rover took photo: March 5, 2016

While checking out one of the many NASA rover blogs, I noticed NASA was trying something different. NASA realized that if they used the Remote Micro Imager Camera to look at the landscape far away, it would magnify it like a telescope. Usually its been only used for observing close ups of rocks and sand, but this is out of the box thinking. 

Today I saw images of the Remote Micro Imager taking shots of distant hills, and flat plains in a 360 degree turn, shot after shot. Its kinda cool someone at NASA decided to utilize this camera for this new job. 

I found a oval shaped structure that was divided into sections, and it reminds me of the Apple Headquarters building in Silicon Valley. I colored it Yellow to make it easier to see. 
Scott C. Waring


  1. There are other structures in this pic also.

    1. I agree, & if looked at closely again & again youll notice even a few roadways thats been visualy alterd near & around that what looks to me to be a shiney horse shoe looking structure w/ port holes or perhaps tinted bubble styled windows around its circumference possibly.

  2. Yeah looks like a huge one w windows or entrances toward the top. And two smaller ones below to the right. Good eye.

  3. If NASA would at least enter the estimated proportions of some of those structural finds to the non pyramidal structured & influenced gen global pub dwn here, then it would be guite insightful to this mars puzzle UC.

  4. The pic images have been deliberately smeard up imo, hell im thk'ing now that a visual prog was created by NASA for the roovers computerised cam imaging uploads to NASA, to where if it picks up any structures & other unatural & detailed things layin around the visual scenery, then it will Auto Smear those range scanned images as fast as possible, but hopefully during this rapid scanning uploading process perhaps the prog cannot obfuscate up all the pixel imaging space that they dont want us to see, while the SecGov & NASA has the clearer & more detailed uncut up close & personal vid orig's, & ya know what Scott & fellow crewmates, that darn prog had possibly laid off a shitload of professional NASA visual obfuscators to boot thats now on the unemployment lines tho caint say crap after that high security cleared NASA smearin dpt job they once had, tho i can imagine that that rounded windowed structure must have a very bright metalic sheen to it like polished aluminium, & is very nice looking around there yes, as ive noted in earlyer comments on Scotts ship here crewmates that some residing martians has some above ground communities tho more below martian ground, & in this area i envision activities around it, ofcourse more blg's of various kinds, even humaniod looking beings, machinery structures including the smaller housing structures & roadways & etc, big & small flying vehicals & road vehicals were deliberately as you can see, "PURPOSELY & NASTIDLY SMEARD" UP looking now, & possibly thru again a obfuscation vid prog in the rovers computer sys for real time film analysis on that martian outback being filmed before upload, tho i can personally envision a quite contemporary modernism in that township ill call it for both Full Human Humaniods like ah hum us you on earth, & including the Full Reptilian humaniod & Half Human or Hybrid Human Reptilian Humaniods headquarters & townships & industrial ops ctrs, entertainment, recreation, bars, restaurants & shopping ctrs, schools & & ah hum those "little martian neighborhood's" included also that i can envision, & its all arranged somewhat like a Jetson styled technologically influenced hip martian retreat maybe?, OR a retricted military & or scientific township style compond there in that martian region, hell maybe a combo of both?, because overall i cannot see this area as abandoned w/ martian homeless in this region millin around it, as oppose to other abondoned structures, vehicals & buildings in mars surface outback regions where the martian homeless could be found, unless this township is in a region thats a fairly safe above ground martian area, hell now im concerned that theres perhaps Martian Yuppies up there too UC...

    Any of you DIY mars astronomer analyst out there please, for heavens sake PLEASE dont tell me that theres a Star Bucks Coffe house in that township ive just indicated, SHEESH & YIKES, then ill say that the GRB's & there corporate store chains have bought off this solar sys & won da fight sadly enough imo.


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