

10 People With Superpowers Caught on Tape, Oct 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of video: Oct 2, 2016
Maker of video: ApexTV

Many of these videos show beings that are there and then vanish, others that glow like white light angels. Its been suggested that aliens are not time traveling, but humans in the future are, to clean up the time line, or for personal profit. Some of these videos, I remember reporting, but most are new to me. Its easy to say something is fake, but wheres the proof of that? A lot of these were caught on CCTV city cams, those are hard to fake here in Asia...and two or more were shot here and were seen on nightly news. The old man on the bike in Russia...very odd, and the drone footage of the guy running and disappearing is great. Watch and decide for your self. Me...I'm all in. 
Scott C. Waring-Taiwan

ApexTV states:
In this video, we look at footage of 10 people with supposed real life superpowers that have been caught on tape. From a man that is able walk through walls to a clip of an alleged real superman that was caught on camera teleporting, there have been some incredible instances in which people with superpowers have been caught on tape.


  1. In the second clip with the bus at the end, why did the bus not even attamet to stop? Clearly clever computer tricks!

    1. Yeah...I had to rewind that three times to watch that part too. But honestly, some bus drivers just don't care about anything but keeping their schedule.

  2. This is such a silly video, so many are clearly fake and sad if you can't see that, the 2nd video is ripped straight from a fan made video for the playstation game infamous, it's the outfit and powers the character has

  3. These are so clearly fake it's sad if you think otherwise the 2nd video is take straight from a fan made video for the playstation game infamous it's literally the video from it, people who make and post these videos are lame, you know therw fake and it just hurts any chance of finding something really supernatural if there is anything when idiots put out dumb clearly fake videos claiming there real

  4. It's amazing what video editing software can do today!

  5. Some really interesting footage! I have to admit though they have been tampered with as far as time traveling goes I don't believe. Some off these are ghosts, some appear almost normal like us then some grayish, see through, and some invisible. It's possible that rarely people have these unexplainable super natural powers...this is my opinion! Thanks for sharing this it was awesome!

  6. The man in the beige coat walks out in front of the red semi about one mile away from the dashcam. He wasn't just appearing in the road. The man in the hauling truck who almost hit the man on the bike was wearing a white shirt, but when the truck stopped the man who got out was wearing a black shirt. The video with the man disappearing on the road while jogging is a layering issue similar to Google's street view. Although these videos are fabricated for entertainment, I don't doubt the evolutionary possibility that instances like these can occur.

  7. 1st Scott I absolutely love you and 2nd has anyone noticed how almost all either have on a good or something that covers their faces? I'm a firm believer in aliens but this one is even a little far fetched for me.

  8. Its a comercial of a vídeo game in china. Something like a dragon something

  9. Yeah...pretty embarrasing post, I'm sad to say

  10. As that german soldier spy on the 70's NBC TV comedy hit called "Laugh In" used to say, "Very Interesting", & ill tell ya why, you see this same hooded guy in a few diff vids, & i do remember seeing the hooded fella supposedly walk into a closed 711, remember that chat & post Scott of that 711 vid where he walks thru the closed door & walks back out w/ a sandwich LoL, yes a number of us here remember that...

    Yes CGI has grown by leaps & bounds it seems, & just w/in a yr at that these visual advancements, also lots of YT ad money to be made for the most gripping CGI production on YT. 😉

  11. The video of the person running in to grab the person on the bike was marketing for a video game...............


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