

I found myself on Wikileaks today about a UFO at the Space Station, Oct 2016, UFO Sighting News.

Wikileaks doc:

It looks like I'm on somebody's list in the government. I know Fox news mentioned me in an interview with Charles Bolton NASA director a few years back, but this one is odd. I'm on Wikileaks...a site that discloses secret documents and data of the US government so that the public can learn about it. 

Its about  a UFO article I wrote for Before Its News site a few years back, and the email is addressed to a US gov spy news site that pretends to gather world news info for the public, but really gathers it for the US government intel. I know this because this news site is in a lot of documents in Wikileaks...including to Hillary Clinton. 

So...big brother is watching. Lets hope those poor saps are learning from all this UFO and alien intel they are gathering, so it will make the change from within the government. 
Scott C. Waring


  1. Watch your back now Scott!!!!!!
    Just kiddin...

    1. LOL, no worries, I was only mentioned once that I know of. It was a bit of a surprise though.

  2. Well, I think that's a great acknowledgement for your work, Scott!

  3. Whats the Prizes? It looks like story competition results but why on Wleaks ? Strange. Bluebeam is in effect as the chemtrailing has turned the sky into a giant Television screen, The long known plan of the new world disorder is active. To decieve the planet of alien contact, at least half the sightings now are Government propaganda such as the fleet over the hotel just days ago. As you know Alien life is teeming like the oceans but HITLERY and PRESIDENT OSAMA Will be Executed When Trump wins so Osama AGAIN makes America the real Terrorists because the khazarian mafia are all being hunted. I've been watched for a long time and my answer is always the same. DEATH TO THE NEW WORLD ORDER. SOROS NOW OWNS THE INTERNET so if you have trouble online that's why. Rothschild will be swinging from the streetlights When the country riots when It's confirmed Hitlery won because GEORGE SOROS OWNS THE VOTING MACHINES IN 16 MAJOR STATES. My ebe says they can suck his four willys LOL the state department and Soros cut assanges internet off so he couldn't stop the dead man switch and a white van was blocking the vission of the live feed on the embassy so atm WHERE IS ASSANGE?

    1. It was some small weight of silver...I didn't want it, didn't trust Before Its News with my address, if I did, then the they may have sent it to the gov intel site.

    2. As you say mate they already see you. I've been a member of BINNED (I call it cos a third is all BS) For over 2 years. Never be afraid of gutless shadowmen mate. Shine the light on all who keep truth from the Planet. The more you stand tall the more they crawl back to the rock they crawled from. These Globalist FKTARDS are Tantrum throwing Babies when they cant scare you into silence and wouldn't have a clue on how to achieve true illumination . DON'T STOP A ROCKIN ;) Jeffrey pritchet is a contributer for BIN and he shares a few of your stories so i stopped giving him a hard time. Not sure if your aware a lot of your work is on BINNED?

    3. Scott they know its safer to have you in plain site so they'll never screw with you and your lucky that if something ever did happen , to many people know you and will see and act. Like a mini assange. Lol ME? They can't do anything more to and see i stand tall.

  4. Did you see the report that they used the internet by using a dark cable. Meaning NO cable at all but a form of teleport with black matter... Im looking further into exactly wtf?

    1. Never heard of it, got a URL for it?

    2. Sorry just saw this now. I don't get alerts cos i get a few hundred a day and the PING sound snaps me, I was reading an article about Universities that contribute to cern and they were working with google and fakebook on a cable to china and did a successful experiment connected to that project. Sorry no link as i cant remember myself , i read it 3 days ago but i read information all day and it all blurs together

  5. I cannot get what u talking about guys!!
    Please tell everything...

    1. Qauntum teleportation (And the Globalist FKTARD khazarian jewish mafia that really run America and steal every good thing people create. Like the the internet itself for example) TRUMP FOR PRESIDENT

    2. Are you talking about that news about laser teleportation? They say it's VERY fast, faster than a normal telep could be...

  6. As Cleatus said,Hey Ma! Get off the damn roof...People are watching you everywhere !!

  7. Scott mate stop to wink,
    just look at the email header

    this is a simple newsletter reporting news from beforeitsnews site


    1. It says, To, do you even know who they are, have you searched that email in Wikileaks to see the thousands of emails they have there? Wake up. As fore Before its News...the site I worked for, someone inside is being paid to work for the gov.

    2. When did you work for BINNED ? Would love to hear the dodgy deals there !! I'll do an article and i'll post it on BINNED hahaha the owner apparently started it originally as a Christian news site as far as i know so that really says it all just there. I've noticed a few things with BINNED owners myself but am just a reader atm things could change? Would you read an article if i wrote about what i always talk about? Light bulb moment ....

    3. yes i know who it is

      i searched and there is plenty email from beforeitsnews, plenty mean they like to receive weekly newsletter
      "The Week's 10 Hot Stories (of the week)"

      it does not mean at all that they are after you ....

      its just a simple newsletter, Solomon like to know some news that might escape from control ..

      PS:do you mind remove the ad network that promote fake "player's" when we clic on your site?
      because it is pretty dirty ...this is not correct for your visitors...

  8. That shows that you are right on the nose about a lot of topics to be on the radar. Keep up the great work Scott.

  9. That shows that you are right on the nose about a lot of topics to be on the radar. Keep up the great work Scott.

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