

Man finds the remains of a MERMAID washed up on Norfolk beach, Oct 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: Oct 2016
Location of discovery: Norfolk
News source:

Now I was wondering about this Paul Jones and decided to have a look at his Facebook. On his Facebook he seems to have a hobby of making horror and fantasy makeup and objects. So I have to say this one is 100% not real, but sure had me stumped until I saw his last few posts.  Although mermaids are real or were, an intelligent alien species that uses our ocean to move about like we use the land. Check out the post below...its his own words, he will do Halloween makeup for you if you need his services. This mermaid is not real, just a DIY Halloween prank to get attention. 
Scott C. Waring

News states:
Paul Jones posted a series of photographs taken on the Norfolk beach, which have been shared 15,000 times on social media in two days. He wrote: “Today at Great Yarmouth we found what looks like a dead mermaid washed up on the beach.” The creature has obvious fins and a tail, but a decayed head which looks human. The torso is rotting and the entrails are visible, but the head and tail are more intact. Many people who have shared the post are adamant that it is a mermaid, with one referencing Disney’s The Little Mermaid by writing “RIP Ariel”. Others have said it is nothing more than a dead seal, as the Norfolk coast has a large colony of grey seals. However Mr Jones' Facebook profile shows him to be a keen creator of models, with lots of fish-themed pieces of art, which may suggest this is another one of his creations.


  1. I believe in mermaids! I am Native American & my grandfather use to say they r the big water people.(ocean) I believe a lot of what he said, also he believed in the star people(ET)! These mermaid hide to save their own kind & it would be something to find a real one!

  2. Replies
    1. Oh 4sure! the fins are made up of a plastic trashbag man. This is what the neighbor makes in the garage 2 put it in the yard on Halloween man.

  3. Easy dna test could prove it if fake (no one cares), human (cops get involved),or unknown (fed agencies get involved). But no one wants to waste time, money, effort on these chances unless it's their job too paid for by taxes

  4. Just like Ed as another hoaxin example, the UFO drone model flyer & UFO CGI artist thats on the Cousins bro's hilariously funny "Turdfaceondamoon" series payroll...

    Those paranormal fakers have sprang up like mushrooms recently & are going for broke nowadays to get more ad revenue for those best cash payoffs w/ there graphic & phony BS both here & abroad.


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