

Moon's North Pole: Possible Ancient Structure Dark Rectangular Shape, Telescope (Video 4K) Oct 2016, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: October 2016
Location of sighting: Earths Moon, North Pole

This is a really nice close up of the moon using a telescope to see in 4k video. As you see, the person found a dark circular tower on the moons horizon. The edges of the moon are easiest to spot the buildings because of the angle of light, the viewer, and the structure itself. Amazing discovery by UFOvni2012 of Youtube. 100% proof that giant structures exist on Earths moon. 
Scott C. Waring


  1. Yes,many structures have been found on the moon. Isn't the moon a pit stop for all explorers? For other species navigating through our galaxy I would guess. Looks huge!

    1. It would have to be at least 20+ miles across to be seen with a telescope. Hmmm...similar in shape as the Apple headquarters.

    2. Wow!! Tremendously large!what purpose would it serve? So interesting.

  2. Hello Scott Great Job!!! Keep it up please.
    I understand that the earth views a 'black moon' every 32 months. This is the only time that sunlight lights up the dark side of the moon. Why hasn't NASA or any other space agency photographed this enlightening event to show Us what the dark side looks like??
    Thanks Brother. Stay safe and keep up the great work.

  3. Hello Scott Great Job!!! Keep it up please.
    I understand that the earth views a 'black moon' every 32 months. This is the only time that sunlight lights up the dark side of the moon. Why hasn't NASA or any other space agency photographed this enlightening event to show Us what the dark side looks like??
    Thanks Brother. Stay safe and keep up the great work.

  4. I wonder if theres a way we can cancel out the gamma waves on a telescope. Maybe if we use a different light spectrum it could smooth our view of the moon. Theres a guy on you tube thats got live stream through his scope most of the time and he gets excellent close ups but he has to wait every time he moves it to let the scope focus through the waves. Great find

  5. The electricity or plasma jumping out of the moon all the time looks amazing. Naza not once talks about this constant phenom.

  6. 0:24 you can see another object to fare left of structure.Looks to me they are base entrance...not objects

  7. It's really hard to tell exactly what it is, other than the fact that it is much darker than the surrounding area. Is it natural, or artificial? Considering that buildings have been identified in other areas of the Moon, especially in that crater, the possibility that it is an actual structure moves up in the area of plausibility.

    1. Take any large size moon photo from NASA, then slowly add will see some massive structures begin to stand out.

  8. Have you listen to David wilcock about the different moons in the galaxy, it's good homework. Hello Roseburg Oregon

  9. Have you listen to David wilcock about the different moons in the galaxy, it's good homework. Hello Roseburg Oregon

    1. Roseburg? Hey I was in school in Sutherland from 6-7th grade. Beautiful place.


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