

Question; Could NASA Successfully Fake The Rover On Mars? Nov 2016, UFO Sighting News.

NASA photo drilled rocks:
NASA photo fake Mars:

Many readers have suggested that the Mars Curiosity rover is not on Mars, but actually on Devon Island in Southern Canada. I have to admit that we have seen a lot of evidence that intelligent life was in those Mars photos, but in truth, I see that there is so much in most of those photos that it couldn't possibly be a place on Earth. How could such unusual artefacts exist on Earth and were never discovered by anyone? 

It seems that the evidence that the Mars rover is not on Mars at all is growing. Here is some of the reasons it may not be on Mars.

1. In the color photos, 90% of time NASA puts it into FALSE COLOR, a red filter to make the photo look like a red planet. This may be a psychological trick to convince the public it really is Mars.

2. Every time other countries send a rover or satellite to Mars, it is either destroyed in Earths orbit, on landing, and a few minutes after landing. Did America sabotage those Russian missions to keep a secret?

3. We found animals, a hairy monkey, squirrel, lizard, rat, rabbit, bison and two gorillas. Its a freaking zoo on Mars if its really there.

4. The real color of the sky is blue in original color NASA photos and there were white clouds! That should not be possible on Mars...and yet, its in NASA photos. 

5. If you look at Devon Island on Google Earth, you see two HD photos of NASA scientists in suits and driving the Mars rover. Evidence that they are using Devon to record Mars raw footage.  75°26'0.98"N   89°51'14.99"W

So, tell me your thoughts about the NASA rover in the comments below. Where is it and why would or would not NASA fake such a mission?
Scott C. Waring-Taiwan


  1. How come u don't preface every "rock face" on mars with a statement "if this is actually mars". One day it's mars, today it's Devon island. WTF

  2. Replies
    1. Your not the only one pal, i mean to hear this is very very depressing that possibly we all could have been & possibly still is being hoodwinked all along on the rover images on a alleged martian terrain whos really Devon island instead...

      Perhaps there's things going on on mars that they just dont want the gen global masses to learn about, incuding random destruction of earths rover tech by some martian group that dont want earths humanity up there in the 1st place, so for NASA to save face & continue to recieve there anuall billions of tax payer $'s, they might have decided to "keep the rouse going" & i hope this new & dire right wing looking U.S. gov't admin dosnt comeplety strangle pub access to any NASA info thats either true or made up in the near future UC. 😏

  3. Even from long distance observations, you can find evidence of civilization on Mars. Buzz Aldrin has said: "there is a Monolith on Phobos". Also It was reported Phobos is hollow. There probably is a working orbital defense system around Mars - programmed to shoot anything down that is a potential threat. The conclusion is: Mars is inhabited. Also, NASA needs to show results from the billions of dollars poured into the agency. So they may be putting on a "show" to prove they have succeeded.

  4. HELLO, & thank you sir on that thoughful observation youve made, yes i had somewhat the same conclusion regarding mars moon Phobos myself. 👍

  5. Scott, the most important question here would be why did NASA fake these photos and maybe the whole mars landing.
    On my site, ,after a well-placed lolcat video, I wrote a few speculations on what level of resources would have been needed and what could have been the reason behind the fake. Please read it and tell me what do you think. Maybe you'll be able to develop a more down to earth theory which doesn't include lolcats or aliens.


  7. You are all full of shit. Devon Island is a NASA test site that due to the environmental conditions is ideal to test devices and rovers that could one day be sent to Mars or one of the other planets.
    It's just a test site you fucktarts!

  8. Is this a joke?...

    NASA's Haughton Mars Project (HMP) is part of an international interdisciplinary field research facility located on the world's largest uninhabited island, Devon Island. This project uses the polar desert setting and harsh climate of the Canadian High Arctic to mimic the environmental conditions that crewmembers are likely to encounter on Mars and other planets.

  9. Is this a joke?...

    NASA's Haughton Mars Project (HMP) is part of an international interdisciplinary field research facility located on the world's largest uninhabited island, Devon Island. This project uses the polar desert setting and harsh climate of the Canadian High Arctic to mimic the environmental conditions that crewmembers are likely to encounter on Mars and other planets.

  10. Is this a joke?...
    NASA's Haughton Mars Project (HMP) is part of an international interdisciplinary field research facility located on the world's largest uninhabited island, Devon Island. This project uses the polar desert setting and harsh climate of the Canadian High Arctic to mimic the environmental conditions that crewmembers are likely to encounter on Mars and other planets.


Welcome to the forum, what your thoughts?