

UFO disappears into clouds seen from Space Station, Nov 14, 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Nov 14, 2016
Location of sighting: Earths orbit, ISS

This is an extraordinary find by Streetcap1 of Youtube. This is a UFO recorded on the live NASA space station cam. The interesting thing about it is that it actually passes below the clouds. That means this object has perfectly matched the speed of the space station and is traveling at an altitude of most passenger jets. Sure alien tech has no difficulty in keeping up with the 27,600 km/h space station, but still its remarkable to see it pass below those clouds. The size of the UFO looks to be about 1/3 that of the space station. That makes the UFO about 33 meters across. Great catch, please go to Youtube and give Streetcap1 a supportive thumbs up for his hard work. 
Scott C. Waring


  1. What time was this cst? I seen something similar, that I thought was a shooting star. It was the same color. Also moved really fast

  2. What time was this cst? I seen something similar, that I thought was a shooting star. It was the same color. Also moved really fast

  3. I love the fact that it travels below the cloud cover. Try and debunk that one NASA.

  4. Cool video. NASA just needs to fess up abd say. "Sorry we've been lying to you. But, here's the truth." We could have open relations with these beings, trade, tourism, ending all the BS like war and hunger on our planet. I personally would like to see humans break the light barrier in my lifetime.


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