

Updated: Pyramids On Mars Just 1 Mile From @NASA Rover! NASA Ignores Them! Dec 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Updated: Dec 21, 2016: I noticed a an Egyptian style Sphinx up the hill a ways. And there is a giant structure near these two pyramids with a long slated area of steps. I included 3 new photos below. SCW 

Date of discovery: Dec 2016
Location of discovery: Mars
NASA Source:

These two pyramids were discovered by Martian Archeology of Youtube this week. I really like this find, because of the unique stepped pyramid on the left, which closely resembles some found in Mexico. The pyramids are imperfect, because of age, but its still amazing that such structures exist on Mars and have never been addressed by NASA. Why is that rover driving around looking for tiny microbes of life, when huge 5 floor pyramids are just a mile away? If NASA was really trying, they would explore some of these UFO researchers discoveries on live cam so the public could see it unedited. When NASA edits everything, making several months before the public gets to see them...its evidence that NASA has something very big to hide from the public. But...we don't need NASA anymore to find life do we? World wide UFO hunters are on the job doing thousands of times more discoveries per year than NASA. 
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states:
After some 200 days of red tape, delays, and censorship we get the archived images from NASA's Curiosity Rover clearly showing two pyramids side by side on the Planet MARS.