

Neon Red UFO Seen At Space Station On Live Cam, Dec 14, 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: December 14, 2016
Location of sighting: Earths orbit at Space Station

One type of anomalies that have been seen around the space station almost daily is the rainbow colored objects that appear for a split second and then are gone. The move incredibly fast, and act like tiny fist sized drones that have AI. I say they have AI, because they move incredibly fast, yet often stop in front of the camera and then shoot away. Just as this one did. I have seen yellow, green, purple, blue and even pink and red. Each time the object has a definite shape, but is different in shape each time. Sometimes its egg shaped, other times is a square or rectangle shaped object. I have to agree with Streetcap1 who caught is a UFO and it acts alive...probably AI micro drones created by aliens to be less intrusive on the space station and the astronauts. They are so small and fast, astronauts wont even notice them. But they always glow a neon color on video. A few times, I saw them by the hundreds.
Scott C. Waring