

Two Tiny Faces Found By NASA Microscopic Camera On Mars, Dec 2016, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery:  December 12, 2016, taken Dec 11, 2016
Location of discovery:  Mars, Sol 1546

Above you see six consecutive photos that just came in from the Mars Curiosity rover today. They are from the Chemcam Micro Imager taken Dec 11, 2016 on Sol 1546. To have one face in a single photo seems like coincidence, but to have two faces in six different photos under different lighting conditions, is...for lack of a better word, perfect. This is indisputable evidence that intelligent life forms existed and that they were just centimeters tall, and lived among other intelligent species on Mars that were several meters tall. This is also indisputable evidence because it came from a US gov source...NASA, which hold more respect and authority in the field than any other possible source. 

One of the faces was sculpted or carved out. It stands out well with its large nose, deep eye brow ridges, long pointy ears and wrinkled forehead.  The second face is a simple skull drawing in shiny white substance that may be a type of metal, but uncertain of its material. 

It was Pablo Picasso who once said, "Sculpture is the art of the intelligence." So clearly, these are highly intelligent tiny beings that made these objects. 
Scott C. Waring 


  1. If they were more advance than us, why make faces using rocks and draw pictures like people lived in Stone Age?

    I also don't get this... why all these you called them faces are always turned to an angle where always in a perfect eye sight and camera view?

    1. I only report 1 out of 10-15 faces I find. Others are at bad angles or bad focus, too poorly made, so I just wont talk about them. For instance, do you see the face in the photo I didn't talk about? Upper left corner...poorly constructed, low art skills of the sculptor, so I skipped it. Its not destroyed, just poor.

      Why do they make them from rock? How do we know this substance is rock? For instance, the UFOs at area s4, were all one piece...meaning all tiny parts were built into the if 3d printed into it as it was being made.

      Why do they make faces? How about why do we see Trumps face everywhere? When I walk down any street here in Taiwan, I can count over 100 ten foot signs...why do we need so man signs? Its always a cultural thing...for us...for them.

    2. Ha ha you one slimy worm Scott. You could sell ice to the Inuit.

  2. Brilliant find Scott. Who apart from any intelligent person could dispute this? Your work in this field, particularly rocks really shows you for what you are. Keep at it mate.

  3. This is a joke right? No serious person could really believe this shit.

  4. This site gets funnier everyday. First of all the wonderful sexual innuendo posts which you amazingly didn't notice then this. Next story Santa Claus is an alien!

  5. Oh Scott, you are a bad boy leading your simple minded readers on like this. You are a bad boy and deserve a good spanking.

  6. Scott the large round photo can you see the head looking straight at you about five times bigger than the others in the upper left "Corner" area of the circle? It nearly resembles indian deities!

  7. Its eyes are even glowing white.

  8. Oh shit i typed beforehand , you do see it. Its like an indian or bali facemask... If you ever get a call to put together a team of hunters im lodging my application with you right here now. ;) lol since being banned on fakebook for exposing #PIZZAGATE I haven't shared anything since i sent you the Podesta UFO but i still find things

  9. Nice wank Scott. It's images like these which future generations will split their sides over.


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