

Ancient Statues On Mars And Solid Gold Writing Found, Jan 2017, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: January 2017
Location of discovery: Mars
Source photo:

I found this statue of a person that is similar to some ancient sculptures on Earth long ago. The statue also has a second one near it, its face I made yellow and the other orange to help you see it better. There was also a gold world...I say gold, because the material is gold, which I find a lot in NASA photos. Near the single gold word is a drawing in gold of a bull. Also a few tiny structures, but the entrances are in the shape of faces and the doors are the mouth area. There was also a single bone laying out on the surface. I do not believe that NASA could explain any of this away, even if they tried. 

This are of Mars is so odd, I am wondering about all the broken structures...they look more like intelligent tiny creatures the size of termites made them. Have you ever seen termite mounds above the ground? This is what some of their larger structures look like, but with levels. This species seems to have a hive mentality, working together to create a hive mind...something that humanity will have difficulty relating too since each person try to emphasis their own individuality. This difficulty we have, may also be making us overlook important evidence right in front of the NASA rovers.
Scott C. Waring-Taiwan