

👽 UFO Over Great Britain With High Detail On March 23, 2017, UFO Sighting News. 👽

Date of sighting: March 23, 2017
Location of sighting: Great Britain
Source: MUFON #82800

Here are some fantastic UFO photos from Great Britain this week. All I did was enlarge them, not altering of color or light. The one photo above in particular is very highly detailed and is standing up long ways, but in the lower photos we see a disk, a rectangle and a cylinder craft. This may be a morphing craft, that changes shape, but I believe that its turning slowly, rotating, giving the eyewitness a new perspective of the UFO every photo. Remarkable. We have seen reports of this UFO all over England last month, but to see it close up...amazing. 
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states:
Got done feeding my little one and I glanced out of the window in our dark dinning room and saw what i thought was a bright star but when looking at it more closely it was pulsating different colours so i went out side and did a few zoomed in pictures went back in and zoomed in on those and well i have never seen or heard of a star changing colour and shape at random. Watched this thing for 2hrs roughly slowly moving across the sky. I had originally thought it was a plane or chopper but i heard nothing and it did not move. We have lots of planes flying over our house as well as the odd chopper so I'm pretty darn sure it was not either of those. Left me puzzled and slightly unnerved as this is not the firs time i have seen something like this in the same area of the sky i saw this thing tonight.