

Two Glowing UFOs Over Home In New Jersey, May 2017, Photos, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: May 5, 2017
Location of sighting: Shamong, New Jersey, USA
Source: MUFON #83551

UFOs can cloak to hide themselves from us, but there in one thing no UFO can hide infrared camera. The camera at night makes its own IR light shooting out of it with IR LEDs and captures everything that passes in front of it. Here the objects are two glowing entities that come down low to investigate the persons yard. Such UFOs are invisible to the naked eye, but infrared cameras and night vision cameras will catch them. 
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states: 
Checking my home camera footage last night, before formatting my storage card, when I came across the attached 4 images. The object set off my camera, so it had to have been within about 45 ft. The camera only fires when an object moves, therefore this thing was hovering and moving for over 40 mins. I don't recall anything about that night, but this did co-inside with my dog acting very strangely that Wed evening (a lot of dog in the neighborhood barking that evening) It wasn't until I pulled my camera images last night (5/5/17) that I put two and two together. 

My hunting dog is part Coonhound and nothing usually phases her, with the exception of Coyotes! 
The things I believe: 
1. Not the moon - wrong place, wrong phase. 
2. Not a plane - no other lights, can't hover. No sound. 
3. Not a Drone - 2am, dark and flying through trees, no-one has that skill. 
4. Helicopter - would have to be the front light, which meant it was flying backwards, and no other lights, no sound. 
5. Close enough to activate the sensor on the camera over a 43 min duration. 

If you want the camera for inspection, its all yours, but I'll need it back for my gate. 

The camera time footage stamp is 1 hr off due to DST.