

Amazing UFO Sightings Compilation February 8-9, 2018, UFO Sighting News.

Here is a great summary of some of the most interesting UFO sightings last week. UFOs often are seen over mountains and hills, because they come out of hidden passages in locations where its difficult for people to access. Their bases are often 4-6km below the surface, and its been said by the W56 aliens in Rocca Pia, Italy that there are over 10,000 alien bases around the world. 
Scott C. Waring


  1. Saw a bright object with rays shooting out like star of Bethlehem surround itself with glowing cloud that grew as large as the moon then the "star" moved East at about 30° above nearby Swisshelm mts at aircraft speed.
    This was Tues eve Feb 6, 2018
    (day that SpaceX launched) Clear still starry moon up yet. ANYONE else see this?? besides my husband n I camping near WhitewaterDraw in SE AZ

  2. wow so amazing must be aliens. this is 100% proof

  3. wow so amazing must be aliens. this is 100% proof


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