

Living Rock Moves On Curiosity Rover Camera June 28, 2018, Photos, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: June 28, 2018
Location of discovery: Mars, Sol 2094
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This is rare. Its proof that rocks that grow do exist. Look closely at the white arm on this rock and you will see it curves in the next photo. It actually turned up. A rock that moves. 

I have heard about rocks that bleed and live from astronaut William Rutledge who I spoke to about 6 years ago on Youtube. He was part of the secret Apollo 20 mission that went to Delporte Crater on Earths moon too explore two alien ships left there. He said he found some yellow stones that had a sap like liquid coming out of it. He said it was alive and they brought it back. I think this is such a living rock. 
Scott C. Waring