

UFO Researcher Finds Two Shipwrecks When Searching For Amelia Earhart Plane, July 25, 2018, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: July 25, 2018
Google Earth coordinates: 3°35'41.48"S 174° 7'8.85"W
Island name: Mckean Island 

I was looking for Amelia Earhart Electra silver plane on Google Earth map and accidentally came across two shipwrecks. I have found planes before and even found 65% of the Flight MH370 off Cape of Good Hope, South Africa last year, but no one took me seriously because I am just a blogger. 

I have found  several shipwrecks and made videos of three of them, but had found around 20 using Google Earth map, just not all were high enough quality to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt. 

I will keep searching for Amelia Earharts plane. Her achievements in history demand it. 
Scott C. Waring