

Giant Triangle UFO Found Abandoned On Moon In Apollo 12 Photo, Aug 2018, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: Aug 16, 2018
Location of discovery: Earth moon
NASA Photo:

While going through some Apollo 12 photos I found one labeled UNPLOTTABLE. This photo which has no location on the moon has a giant triangle UFO parked on the surface. I added color to it so that its easier to see. The ship is huge! I would estimate that its 7-10 miles across and .7 of a mile tall. This alien ship was left here long ago, probably like a old car being left at a junk yard, because it could be used later for parts. Its nose are and cockpit area are visible at its front. This ship is old guys, I mean I see dust covering this ship...its probably 300,000 to 500,000 years since it was left there. It may have been responsible for seeding humans on Earth.

I would bet money that the pilots are still attached with hoses through their noses, but in a stasis state, just like the pilots in the Apollo 20 cigar ship in Delporte craters on the moon. See real videos of that mission, given to me by an astronaut of Apollo 20 himself...William Rutledge. 
Scott C. Waring