

Mile Long UFO Caught During Sunset Over Reykjavik, Iceland On Sept 2018, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Sept 9, 2018
Location of sighting: Artun, Reykjavik, Iceland
Source: MUFON #94745

This UFO was caught just today and was seen during sunset over Iceland. The UFO measures over a mile across has a shape of large disk, AKA flying saucer. This is a fantastic video of the UFO and it appears he didn't see the craft till viewing the video at home, otherwise he probably would have focused in it a lot more. 

I often say its easiest to record a UFO during sunset, because the angle of the setting sun, the UFO and the eyewitness makes a perfect triangle which causes the cloaked UFO to be revealed...for a few minutes only. This is one beautiful alien craft. 

Such UFOs have been seen recently by a pilot over the ocean near the UK back in 2007.
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states: 
I saw it directly over the N1 gasoline station in Artun, Reykjavik.