

UFO orb scares fox on animal cam footage, Dec 2018, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Dec 2018
Location of sighting: Unknown

Animals are very sensitive to alien orbs. Also a lesser known fact is that these orbs are telepathic and fast movements frighten them. The orb was probably interested in the fox but some how the fox sensed the UFO and darted away. 

If you doubt that orbs are telepathic, the search on Youtube for "meditation, UFO." Loads of UFO videos will appear, some of them are made my local TV news agencies who recorded the event. 

Needless to say, I tried the meditation and it only worked the first time but never again. Saw an soft ball size orb 2 meters in front of me. I only regret that I didn't approach it and touch it before it shot off. 
Scott C. Waring 

Video states: 
This security camera catches a strange scene. From out of the darkness comes an orb which scares a fox to run for cover. These balls of light have also been seen near crop circles. In World War 2 they were seen in the sky. Pilots called them "Foo Fighters".