

Source photo of Easter Island Statue On Mars Has Disappeared! Whole Gigapan Is Down! UFO Sighting News.

Original link:

A few days ago I noticed that the original link to the source photo I used to make this video and post has disappeared. Not only has this photo been taken down, but it seems all of Gigapan can no longer be viewed. Whoever did this wanted to erase any future evidence too. You can see the small thumbnails, but if you click on the image, its a 500 error code you see. 

For reasons unknown the photo itself is just gone. I do believe that the NSA could easily scrub the sources of the originals deleting them from the internet but why this? Why the Easter Island statue on Mars? At a time when China sends another rover to Mars last week. Does the US gov want to keep the public in the dark about aliens existing on Mars or do they want to keep the link between Mars Easter Island and Earth Easter Island statues silent? Either way, its proof someone is editing what the public can and cannot see.
Scott C. Waring