

Alien Diamond Craft Found On Asteroid Bennu, Probe Takes Closer Look, Sept 2020, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: Sept 2020
Location of discovery: Asteroid Bennu
Source photo:

This small metallic triangle object sitting on a rock was found on asteroid Bennu today. The object looks like a TR3B, but is much smaller in size. The photo was taken back in April 11, 2019 when the OSIRIS probe made a flyby of of the Osprey site on Bennu. In the description below the photo...NASA calls the missions detailed survey: Baseball Diamond phase. Why? Because there is a bright diamond object siting not he surface that is 2 meters across. This is 100% proof NASA saw the triangle craft too. Subconsciously the writer accidentally gave away the true mission. To examine this craft as closely as possible without landing the probe. You see, the craft has the shape of home plate used in baseball. So...this is evidence that NASA does investigate alien technology when possible.

I believe this craft was sent to Bennu to monitor the NASA probe as it passed by. Its an alien probe, watching humanities probe.
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan