

Ancient Faces Off Greenland, Google Earth Discovery! Video, UFO Sighting News.


Date of discovery: Dec 31, 2020
Location of discovery: Between Greenland and Canada
Google Coordinates: 81° 2'0.79"N 84°58'37.99"W

I was using Google Earth map and found a woman's face along the water. I say woman's because I believe the alien artist used the water as part of its art...using part of nature to mesh into the beauty of the woman and to exaggerate how beautiful she was by insinuating that her hair was long and flowing like the ocean itself. She also has a ruffled dress that comes just above the breast area, no straps holding it up. Her bare shoulders are both visible and magnificently done. 

I also found a harbor area that looks intelligently made. And there is also another face, that I believe will frighten people so much that they may try to deny its real. Because the human defense mechanisms are powerful and will fight anything that challenges how we see the world around us. Nothing is more challenging of our reality than the possibility that our reality is not the true reality of things. 

Scott C. Waring