

UK Hacker Gary McKinnon Who Saw Off World Soldiers & Ships On US Gov Computers! UFO Sighting News.

Here is a video I put together about 7-10 years ago, still means everything because its 100% true. And most people today seem to have forgotten what Gary did and what Gary found. 

It's not often a pure soul comes along with such knowledge and skills and turns the world of UFO research upside-down over night, but the valiant Gary McKinnon (The Peoples Champion) has done just that. Why did the US want Gary so badly? That's easy, on some of the computers he hacked into, he discovered files about twenty to thirty non-terrestrial officers (off world). He saw their ranks, and ship to ship transfers off world. He believes the US gov is using reverse-engeneered technology that they recovered from UFO crashes. Gary was fearless as he hacked into the Army, Navy, Air Force, DOD (Dept. of Defense) and NASA. 
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan

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