

Alien Figure Recorded Walking Along Road In India, video, UFO Sighting News.


Date of sighting: June 1, 2021
Location of sighting: Jharkhand, India

A strange figure was seen...resembling an alien or ghostly figure was recorded along a road in India this week. Motorists were riding past when one motorcyclist with a helm cam recorded a strange figure walking carelessly along the road. The figure looks human enough, however its arms are 20% longer than humans. The whitish figure looks to be wearing a skin tight outfit or they are nude. When the motorcyclist with the camera slowed down...the figure stopped and turned around slowly. The person on the motorcycle lowered the camera to look at the ground...possibly not wanting to provoke the person in any way. The figure looks at them, then turns and begins on its way again. Then the motorcycle rides away. So much for our deep meaningful meeting with aliens revealing to us the answers to the universe. Instead...we have a drive by video shooting that goes viral. Aliens are getting closer and closer, my advice when you see one, stop and chat with it. Perhaps its wanted to give the cure to covid to someone but no-one would approach it. Perhaps it wanted to give them the secrets to immortality, and yet, no one cared enough to approach it and greet the alien. This is the world we live in. 
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan