

60 Thousand of Egrets Gather In Shimen Reservoir, Taiwan, Sept 17, 2023, News.


Date of sighting: Sept 17, 2023
Source: My Family video

Yeah this is not a UFO sighting video, it's better. Its a very rare occurring migration of the most beautiful and loved bird in Taiwan.

This is very rare to catch tens of thousands of white Taiwan Egrets at once not traveling but gathering together on the migration path. This video was sent to my by my Aunt who said it was a beautiful moment like no other. I have lived in Taiwan 25 years, and never before witnessed this size of a group of Egrets. Just an amazing sight to see. Recorded at Shimen Reservoir, Taiwan. Very rare, I just had to share this wonderful sight. Scott C. Waring - Taiwan 

 2023年9月17日樟湖村黃頭鷺遷徙爆六萬隻 超過6萬隻黃頭鷺飛越樟湖 賞