

MIB or Aliens Walk Up To Door, Knock, California, RingCam, Sept 20, 2023, UFO Sighting News.


Location of sighting: City Unknown, 
Date of sighting: Sept 20, 2023 at 10:45 AM.
Source: MUFON

Now this just in. A ultra rare encounter recorded by an unbiased ringcam. Two alien visitors, dressed like MIB and a dark sphere hovering behind them over the yard. That screams out alien visitation, since most MIB are aliens themselves, it appears the aliens ether look like humans or took human form to keep the home occupant relaxed. They were probably there to chat with the person gather data and scan the occupants of the home. Aliens often do this to humans who have been tagged with trackers...where the aliens come back every few years to record the scientific data, scan and sometimes examine and operate on a person before returning them to their home. Wow, my mind is melting over this video. So rare, so amazing, how will the public react?
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan 

Eyewitness states: My mother has a ring door bell. And she witnesses two guys she has never seen before knocking on the door. She texts her children and asks of we knew them. We do not. Then I noticed something unusual in the back ground. AN floating or flying object.