

Seven KM tower found on planet Mercury, UFO Sighting News. 👽👀🗼

Date of discovery: Jan 13, 2024
Location of discovery: Planet Mercury, crater
URL Map: Latitude 112.47  Longitude 56.26

I found a tower on the surface of planet Mercury today. The tower is a shiny metallic and it's so reflective it really stands out from the other colors around it. There is a ruler in the map, measuring the bottom at 2km wide and 7km tall, but it disappears into the shadows within a crevice area so it may be up to 10km tall. It makes sense that this tower would be coming from an underground city on Mercury, because the surface of Mercury is so inhospitable to life that a city or space station underground would be safe from the cruel surface temperatures, radiation and meteorite impacts. 
Scott C. Waring 👽👀🗼