

Pilots Told to 'Maneuver' Around Oregon UFO by control tower, Dec 7, 2024, UAP Sighting News. Listen to 45 min Audio!


Actual photo below that eyewitness gave.

Date of sighting: December 7, 2024 at 8:56 PM PST
Location of sighting: Over Oregon state, USA
Reddit source: 

This is just mindblowing! A pilot was flying on the Eugene-Seattle route when he and his copilot saw some glowing spheres that moved around, over and in front of them. The objects were red, but video shows them differently due to digital vs human eye. This is big, real big, in the way that it's so rare. Yet right now the US gov is labeling all UFOs as drones. It's a new Gov scam they are pulling. What are they really? Alien space craft flying around in our skies. 
Scott C. Waring - Utah