

UFO Fleet Over San Antonio, Texas On Jan 1, 2025, UAP Sighting News.

Date of sighting: 
Location of sighting: 
Credit: NUFORC UFO website.

Guys this just in. Some glowing UFOs were seen over Texas last week and the video is just mind blowing. The craft move silently across the sky and are about car size. Each followed the other like military pilots following one another, but possibly alien military. The evidence is mounting high. 
Scott C. Waring 

Eyewitness states: Fireball-like objects appeared from 0° North and seemed to fly in the southwestern direction in the 200° range. The first one I saw lasted only 17 seconds before vanishing out of nowhere. This one was first seen at 10:40 PM. Ten minutes later, my mom and my neighbor saw three of these fireballs flying in the same direction. Each disappeared at different times, but without a discernible pattern. The first fireball in the fleet disappeared after 1 minute and 26 seconds, the second after 1 minute and 50 seconds, and the third after 2 minutes and 36 seconds. These time frames are based on when I started recording. Another fireball appeared at the same location at 10:54 PM and vanished after 33 seconds. Later, at 11:08 PM, another fireball appeared in the same location and disappeared after a minute. All the fireballs seemed to have appeared at the same location and flown in the same direction at different times. At first, I thought they might be drones, but I’ve never seen drones without flashing red and green lights. These fireballs didn’t flash any lights and maintained their color and brightness until they disappeared out of nowhere. What was particularly strange about the fireballs was their complete silence. Despite their quick speed, they emitted no noise whatsoever. My neighbor filmed the event as well, and this was the first time any of us had seen something like this. 

 Credit: NUFORC for report.