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Alien Secret Service Agent Revealed At 2013 AIPAC Conference, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: Feb 6, 2013 Location of sighting: Conference at Washington Convention Center Source News video:
Oval UFO Caught Moving Over Washington DC Area, Oct 2, 2021, Photos, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: October 2, 2021 Location of sighting: 13th St Bridge, Washington DC, USA Source: MUFON #118437 Now this UFO is great....
President Ronald Reagan Felt Burden Of Knowing Aliens Exist, Sept 1983 United Nations Speech, Video, UFO Sighting News.
Date of speeches: Sept 16, 1983 Location of speech: United Nations Below is a video, of US President Reagan speaking at three differ...
24 Golden Trump Worshiped As God At Temple! UFO Sighting News.
Date of discovery: December 8, 2019 Location of discovery: Was Phra Dhammakaya temple, Thailand Hey check this out. I noticed that...
Ancient Alien City On Moons Polar Region In NASA Photo! UFO Sighting News.
Hey everyone. I was checking out an old NASA photo of the polar region of earths moon, when I noticed some white shiny blur spots at...
Change...The Best Thing That Can Happen For UFO Research World Wide, UFO Sighting News.
A lot of people around the world are noticing a significant drop in UFO sightings, but thats not true. The sighting numbers are the s...
Cube UFO Over Glenrowan, Australia Caught On Video During Day Sighting, April 2, 2019, UFO Sighting News.
Did you notice that the above photo is a cube shape with a wing on each side? Date of sighting: April 2, 2019 Location of sigh...
Asteroid Bennu Close Ups Of Alien Ships And Buildings That NASA Tries To Hide From The Public, NASA Source, March 2019, UFO Sighting News.
Date of discovery: March 19, 2019 Location of discovery: Asteroid Bennu, northern part Source photo: gif actually, https://sola...
Big UFO Near Our Sun In NASA Satellite Image, Nov 12, 2018, UFO Sighting News.
Date of discovery: Nov 12, 2018 13:06 EIT Location of discovery: Earths sun Source: I was checkin...
Evidence That Alien Overlord Has Control Of The USA Economy and Government, UFO Sighting News.
Aliens have placed secret messages in our own currency. Some say you have to draw the alien, but thats not true. If you just add contras...
Scientists Say Octopus Is Alien Creature, DNA Confirms It, May 2018, UFO Sighting News.
Source: I have always wondered ab...
Ancient statue and face found Near Mars Curiosity Rover, May 11, 2018, UFO Sighting News.
Date of discovery: May 11, 2018 Location of discovery: Mars Sol 2029 NASA Source:
Ancient Structure On Mars Is 1.8 KM Long! Found On Google Mars Map, May 2018, UFO Sighting News.
Date of discovery: May 9, 2018 Location of discovery: Mars Google Mars coordinates: 10°20'41.53"S 75°11'31.99...
Black Dome City Found On Jupiters Moon Ganymede May 2018, Photos, UFO Sighting News.
Date of discovery: May 4, 2018 Location of discovery: On Jupiters moon Ganymede, Khensu crater. NASA source: https://images.nas...
6 Meter Long Alien Face On Side Of Mars Hill Near Rover, May 2018, UFO Sighting News.
Date of discovery: May 3, 2018 Location of discovery: Mars, Sol 2019 URL:
Galapogos Island In Shape Of Standing Alien Figure! NASA Photos, UFO Sighting News.
Date of discovery: May 2, 2018 Location of discovery: Galapagos Islands, Eastern Pacific NASA source:
Alien Cube UFO Seen Near Earths Sun In NASA Photo, April 26, 2018, UFO Sighting News.
Date of discovery: April 26, 2018 Location of discovery: Earths Sun NASA/SOHO camera: LASCO C2, at 02:12 I was looking at t...
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