

UFO Sighting Photos leaked out of NASA-Johnson Space Center, 100% clear UFOs In High Detail. Black Knight Satellites!

Updated on May 8, 2017: Most photos on this post have been deleted for unknown reasons! I am replacing them as fast as I can find them on this site. NSA, CIA and other black programs are out to scrub this info from the net. I wont allow that. Below are new added photos and close ups. SCW

Updated on april 18, 2015: I got into the ftp:/// index. Looks like only people with passwords get in...or not. Or maybe just not readers from out side of America :) I got in, but the photos of these UFOs are 100% gone. I did Find out these photos were taken during the STS 88 mission in Dec of 1998.
This is a screenshot of the start screen area. It takes you into other areas only for employees I guess, but nothing is here. The direct link to the photos has been locked. 
I found that links have been changed. Here are what I found that work under different URLs. Google tried to burry them. NASA tried to move them so they have proof they didn't delete them forever...F U NASA! No...I didn't say FUN ASA. SCW

Updated on April 17, 2015: I tried the link again which once had the secret photos. I connect a little but it will take a hacker to break into the 1.07GB index of photos. This is what I get under info for this URL.


UFO Sighting Photos leaked out of NASA-Johnson Space Center, 100% clear UFOs In High Detail!

Take a look at these amazing photos that were leaked out of NASA Johnson Space Center. The quality of the photos is almost HD and the detail we see of the UFO recorded by a NASA satellite orbiting are incredible. The most important question here is not what they stations or ships, but is the species that built them still on board those ships? It looks to me that these photos were taken by someone that works for NASA and had access the famous "airbrush room." That is where they erase all the UFOs or alien evidence out of photos before they are released to the public. These photos are real, I stake my reputation on it. SCW

At first when I watched the below video I thought it was not real. So I checked out each photo myself and I can confirm the video is 100% legit.

The UFOs it shows are in the NASA photos. It is a rare thing when a UFO photo sneaks its way out of NASA by accident, so this is a treasure for UFO researchers around the world.

I'll have to admit I was a little taken aback when I saw the original photos. How often do you get crisp 100% clear photos of a UFO and from non other that the US government to boot. With a source like that these photos cannot be disputed or debunked, but many have tried.

Don't take my word for it. Go to the photo links below and see them for yourself. Once you do, any doubt you once had about UFOs will vanish.

And to Zzentityzz who found an posted these on Youtube, great find!

Source Photos at:

Credit for photo goes to: Image Science and Analysis Laboratory, NASA-Johnson Space Center. "The Gateway to Astronaut Photography of Earth."

☯ Scott C. Waring wrote “UFO Sightings of 2006-2009," “Dragons of Asgard”
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