

Ancient Alien Skull Found By Curiosity Rover On April 11, 2015, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: April 2015
Date of photo taken: April 11, 2015
Location of discovery: Mars
Mission date: SOL 952
NASA site URL:
Photo URL:

Get ahead in life...the rovers done it! This alien skull was revealed on the NASA mars blog that regularly post low res images. How low? This image above on the original site is just 43kb. Why does NASA who spent over 2 billion US dollars on a rover have a camera that takes tiny images...for the public of course, while NASA keeps the HD images. Life on Mars did once exist and probably still does. Remember the photo of the squirrel on Mars taken by the rover a few years ago. Its real, I have the NASA link in it for you to check. While humanity insists its the only life in the universe...the universe itself seems oblivious to this fact. SCW


  1. And why NASA spends billion & billions & billions in cash just to show US low res & small framed images, well Scott & crew he'll THATS THE REASON...

    To Show US those low quality images while they @ NASA & JPL keep the good images to share w/ there alphabet soup acrynom spelled friends of course...

    I guess to them it's worth that extra price tag you'd think right....

  2. Come to thk of this Scott, I do have a impression that the skull may not be tens of thousands of yrs old but might be younger, even possibly recent in some cases..

    Life forms on mars surface areas are being born & dying from numerous ways I'm beginning to reckon..

    1. If it is a skull it'd have to be extremely recent. Weathering would completely destroy a skull just like the other landscape

    2. I totally agree w/your comment regarding I,e. "Weathering Thrue Time", yes it would indeed.....

  3. A few inches beneath the object appears to be a screw....My perception is the object appears to be a solid and possible some sort of metal. It has a mechanical piston look to it.

  4. Scott, can i send to you those pics about living rocks? So maybe you can make an article on your site and see what people think about it

    1. I recall a OL ep staring the late Robert Gulp, were the story involves "Living Rocks of ET origin", but from what I recall those rocks were very malevolent, & I thk that Outer Limits ep was title; "Specimen Unknown", come to thk of it, & its was kinda trippy to watch back in the day...

      PSSSSS, come here & let me wisper this in your ears that......

      I've heard thru the grapevine that the late Leslie Stevens from Texas the producer of the O L & his dad allegedly had close US intelligence & military community ties which during the OL early to mid 60's telecast was not known to the gen public...

      Those old Outer Limlts episodes did have a thought provocking character that no other Sci/Fi series for its time frame had, & a number of those actors & contributing writers we're recuited to do Star Trek also...

    2. My apologies to ya Scott & Crew, the true title of the that 1963 telecast OL ep was called, "Corpus Earthling", my bad on that one everyone, even tho "Specimen Uwnown" was a even startiling & compeling ep from Stevens & Stafano's TV series...

      My theory is that back in the day US kids was being prepared for the unknown to come perhaps....

  5. It may have been platoons of Android soldiers battling it out too, where some may have been fitted w/ face plates...

    I suspect that what looks like rocks w/ melted edges may very well be metals tens of thousands of yrs old that were exposed to extreme directed heat energy in earlier times of its existance on mars...


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