

Does The President Of The US Have Enough Power To Force Full Disclosure Of Aliens, April 2015, UFO Sighting News.

An interesting thing happened this week. Hillary Clinton said on Facebook that she was running for president, as most of you already know. However Hillary was very good friends with Laurance Rockefeller, who was constantly pushing the White House to release UFO documents. Does she want the public to know the truth about aliens and UFOs? Probably yes. The real question is, is being president of the United States a powerful enough position to force the US movement organizations to release such information? No, not possible. You see, the president is a puppet, not the real controller. They can only control the surface issues, the deeper issues are far beyond their control. SCW


  1. So all the secret stuffs, a lot of them will never come out..

  2. No the president does not have enough power to force disclosure. Not by a long shot>

  3. The last President to have ET Government clearance was Nixon.

    1. And possibly even the last modern US president to have the kind of no holds bared & no guestions ask type of Top Secret Clearance classification Nixon had then to go to a secret ET/UFO US military holding station were ET's & there equip are stored away from the gen pub's eyes, & not only that, but also can go to those secret facility's @ will & UNESCORTED & BRIEFED that Nixon was able to do....

      Today's presidents cannot accomplish this that former pres Nixon was able to do way back in the 70's, no Scott & fellow crewmates I am absolutely certain that times have changed in those regards for a sitting president, but that's not to say that they were left out of the ET situation loop in gen because I do believe that they are told about it but cannot just randomly at least nowdays @ a moment's notice up & go to one of these secret facility's & & even bring a friend too like Nixon did w/ the decesed & famous actor J Gleason, no I thk 2day a sitting president may have to go thru many many hurdles w/ the US Intel establishment community to accomplish this now...

      But you all may have realized too that Nixon was connected to the GRB set also I presume....

  4. HELLO...

    You are so so spot on regarding Puppets & Presidents by explaining that to US Scott...

    "And they are" even more nowadays after 911, & w/ out a reason of dought "MARIENETTS" imo too creamates, & hell it won't even make a hill of beans in this time IN THIS WORLD IF a so called president, now listen carefully crewmates: "He She or IT becomes US president in 2016 it'll still be the same old GRB/Secret Gov controled crap going down in this world....

  5. Don't matter who's in control, the aliens/demons are bent on shaping world out come to their purpose. You see,it's quite sad to think this planet is going to be to become a fallen planet. Not because of capitalism or socialism ,religious greed... but from aliens(look what happened to Mars).They must know of their superiority over us ,but then why hide or be UN accessible? Ask this of your selves, if they are the creators ,and they showed you their greatness over matter,would you join or follow them? This I think is their desire,at present day it's just not time yet...thanks

    1. But have You come to realize if your willing to accept this, is that there may be indeed a "Secret Space Prog or SSP" that in all possibility may exist tho limited in military ET shared weapons tech ability compared to other worldly civilizations but can do our present earth world's military extensive damage if the orders from this planets Secret Gov if they decide it to be done to US!...

      I for one Anonymous do feel that there's a tug of war also in this solar sys between Malevolent & Benevolent ET beings over there political position over regions of this particular solar sys & quite possibly, now brace yourself "OWNERSHIP" even regarding planets in this particular solar system region of space & time...

      I don't envision there tug of war out there exactly as a star wars space war scene either tho it's part of the equation also but not intensive & continuous waring in space w/magnificent Hollywood style battle scenes act, no I believe that those warring ET groups can & quite possibly do go @ ea other even quietly & clandestinely also, even on this planet too...

  6. Obama has less power than the girl at my coffee shop.

  7. What i'm sure about is that everything in the future will be like they show in Hollywood movies: rich people and politicians will leave Common people on Earth without choices and they will save their butts flying away on other planets...

  8. I have a impression Steph, that if we as a global society does not wake up, then no earth persons genetic disposition will go no where into the vast reaches of time & space neither RICH or POOR, & as a result will be stuck down here to parish like the onece ancient inhabitants of mars past....


    1. There's no way people can wake up for his rights, even they Would like to. Governement has all the power and weapons to keep us in our places...

  9. You people saying the President has no power are insane. A US President has the unquestioned power to fire any of the top 5,000 or so appointees who run the Executive Branch (that means the entire Federal government except for the Congress and the Courts). These are people like the Secretary of Defense, Sec of State, CIA Director, National Security Advisor, Head of the FBI, etc. Plus, any of the top Pentagon Generals and Admirals can easily be reassigned to remote or powerless assignments on my signature. And the President can do all of this immediately, without anyone else approving of it, and without even giving a reason if he chooses not to.

    If I were the President and the CIA Director balked at giving me full access to any UFO information I wanted (as Bush Sr supposedly did to Carter) I would simply terminate him on the spot, cancel all of his security clearances, and have him escorted off government property by the Secret Service. And the same could be done with any of his loyalists at CIA. Then I would appoint a new CIA Director of my own selection from among my most trusted friends. If Congress caused any issues over confirmation of the new CIA Director, I could always do a "recess appointment" whenever Congress is not in session (just as Bush Jr did with John Bolton, his very unpopular choice for UN Ambassador).

    Modern Presidents rarely act in such a bold manner, because they are surrounded by ultra cautious political advisors, and they may also be timid themselves about showing the raw power of their office in full public view.

    Just the same, it definitely could be done by a determined and decisive US President. There may be lots of political payback in the longer term. But there is no lack of Presidential authority and power to get it done in the short term and that's all it would really take to unleash the truth about UFOs to the people of the world. Beyond that point, the truth could never be put back "into the bottle".

    1. Ok Anonymous, you've said it, & ill quote; "as Bush Sr did to Carter", you also stated & quote; "just as Bush Jr did w/ John Bolten", who was indeed ill also add the former UN ambassador to the US...

      YES indeed former CIA directed G Herbert Walker Bush Sr & son could do this, & Ya know why, now listen carefully...

      He's the Sr is a top notch GRB Global Robber Baron w/powerfull ECONOMIC & MILITARY industrial complex connections THATS WHY, yes you've made my point, because indeed after Nixon the military & GRB imo, put a stop regarding a siting pres power over this issue issue& lastly Anonymous, "They don't want the truth out of the bottle" as long as those greasy petro dollars keep addin up..

      And as far as the son goes, well maybe he's tucked away in a guarded & secure remote compound somewhere in Texas drunk & coked out of his mind where he CANNOT do anymore global dammage to US UC...

      And THATS A GOOD THING imo....

  10. All of the people saying the President has no power are very wrong. A US President has the unquestioned power to fire any of the top 5,000 or so appointees who run the massive Executive Branch (that means the entire Federal government except for the Congress and the Courts). These are people like the Secretary of Defense, Secretary of State, CIA Director, National Security Advisor, Head of the FBI, etc. Plus, any of the top Pentagon Generals and Admirals can easily be reassigned to remote or powerless assignments on the President's signature. And the President can do all of this immediately, without anyone else approving of it, and without even giving a reason if he chooses not to, and there is no effective appeal.

    If I were the President and the CIA Director balked at giving me full access to any UFO information I wanted (as Bush Sr supposedly did to Carter) I would simply terminate him on the spot, cancel all of his security clearances, and have him escorted off government property by the Secret Service. And the same could be done with any of his loyalists at CIA. Then I would appoint a new CIA Director of my own selection from among my most trusted friends. If Congress caused any issues over confirmation of the new CIA Director, I could always do a "recess appointment" whenever Congress is not in session (just as Bush Jr did with John Bolton, his very unpopular choice for UN Ambassador).

    Modern Presidents rarely act in such a bold manner, because they are surrounded by ultra cautious political advisors, and they may also be timid themselves about showing the raw power of their office in full public view.

    Just the same, it definitely could be done by a determined and decisive US President. There may be lots of political payback in the longer term. But there is no lack of Presidential authority and power to get it done in the short term and that's all it would really take to unleash the truth about UFOs to the people of the world. Beyond that point, the truth could never be put back "into the bottle".

  11. Curious how releasing this information would serve their interests. SOP for all governments. We would all like to know. Unfortunately ruling bodies do not now, nor have they ever cared about what the people desire.


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