

Giant Black Cube Seen Near Sun In NASA Photo On May 2, 2016, Photos, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: May 2, 2016 01:06
Location of sighting: Earths Sun
Source: NASA/SOHO EIT 284

This cube was caught between the SOHO satellite and the sun. The cube has been seen before off and on. Sometimes its seen in three dimensions other times like this just two. 

There is also the possibility that NASA is using a black cube to cover up alien spacecraft that get caught in SOHO images. 
Scott C. Waring


  1. So...cube is imagery created by NASA to cover up craft? What a mighty craft to b so close to the sun...SUN looks beeeeutiful even if ufo craft is not visible. Sun takes the cake.

  2. Scott, Any idea of what size it was ?

  3. any idea how big this box was ?

    1. Smaller than it looks since its actually very close to the satellite. I would say several hundred metes. Made from the dark material I talked about before. It absorbs the light, non reflective material.

  4. Replies
    1. LOL, the Borg. It is a simplistic design, and simplicity is the key to everything.

  5. I never thought about NASA using the black cube to cover something up since we have seen it so many times but in a way they kind of confirmed it for us -- there is either this huge giant cube near the sun OR they are hiding something

  6. Scott if NASA wanted to coverup the would've just blended it with the background like as if nothing was there. Why would they put an obvious big black box?

  7. so tired they have to cover up things it's like a cat and mouse game however i stop playing that wen i was six, the US President is still playing it how pathetic and they suppose to run a lies?

  8. Seems strange that NASA would use something so obvious to cover up an image? The image must have been something special or is it just a computer glitch in our alien projected reality Scott

  9. It would be bigger than fkn earth a box that big next to the sun , wake up ey !!!

  10. A box that big next to the sun would be bigger than our Earth , we the funk up peeps.

  11. i can see the cube in yellow color when i watch with soho viewer EIT 284 , so there must be a mistake between black and yellow , but the cube is here anyway

  12. it looks like NASA is trying to hide something with that cube.

  13. hello, Scott Waring. could help me as a post, where it appears a sun and shoot around a giant ship !?
    Here's the link.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.


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