

Alien Or Sasquatch Skull Found On Mars Near Rover June 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: June 6, 2016
Location of discovery: Mars
Source photo:

Paranormal Crucible found this. This is a strange, but cool discovery in the NASA rover archives. This object on the ground looks like an ancient skull of one of the alien species that once lived on the surface of Mars. The skull is big, about the same size as a human skull. I don't believe its a helmet. A helmet would not have a perfectly formed nose area. Also the two ridges along one side are similar to ridges along bones found on Earth.
Scott C. Waring

Paranormal Crucible states:
Strange artifact found by the rover, appears to resemble a large skull, obviously alien in nature, could it be the remains of a Sasquatch or a bizarre Martian creature?


  1. I believe it is a helmet. Petrified of course.

    1. It could be, we really need the rover to move over there and get a closer look, even using the rover arm to tip it over to check it out would help.

  2. Casco oppure cranio , caro Scott , li qualcuno ha perso la testa

  3. We jus want the TRUTH!!!! It's NOT very hard😠

  4. We jus want the TRUTH!!!! It's NOT very hard😠

  5. I would say it looks more like a skull than a helmet.

  6. The most important thing about this for me is that it is clearly NOT a rock...we`re told all the items we see are rocks and can only be rocks,whether eroded or oddly formed and therefore form strange shapes...but I`ve seen too many odd things on various videos that can`t possibly be what we`re told they are,ie,rocks...and just how would NASA know what is there IF they are seeing the surface of Mars and what it is littered with for the first time,as we are ? When will a concerted effort to find the truth of all the things we have seen,stories told by TOP individuals and officials from all sources,from all the various places "man" has been in space,be attempted and researched by the media ? It is absolutely clear that there IS "something" that we,the public,are not being told and given access is said that the knowledge would "destroy" the society we live in - I would say that there are only a few who actually gain anything from the way humankind currently lives - much of the world suffers horrendously,with starvation,disease (that could be cured by the west) and much of the "civilised" world is filled with depressed and unhappy people,merely existing and who find no joy or love within this society imposed upon us - tear it down and let it be destroyed for it is only by doing so that a world fit for ALL to live within can occur...humankind is meant to enjoy what they have,give and receive love and friendship,and search for truth...not live in eternal drudgery and slavery to pay the elite and leaders just to exist...TEAR it DOWN with the TRUTH.

  7. Did you se the face behind the helmet

    1. Maybe this will help -

  8. That... very interesting. It doesn't match it's surroundings, and it is a VERY distinct shape that you can make out without magnifying the image to the point of pixelation.

    It definitely looks like a helmet of some kind.

    I cannot say that it IS, of course, but it certainly looks a great deal like one.

    This, to me, is a good find.

  9. A few feet away, to the right, looks like some kind of creature or suit, face down. Clearly that flipper arm/suit arm is NOT the shape of rocks, it looks VERY organic, this could actually be the body the helmet/skull goes with.

    It definitely looks like some kind of face down creature with no head.

  10. I believe this image was aired on ancient aliens,and analyzed thoroughly. A crater on mars what seemed to have alot of mechanical debris surrounding this humanlike image . Not sure if same because this one looks more defined than what was shown on documentary. But surely rings a bell.

  11. What the hell would a Sasquatch be doing on Mars?? The video should be rock or alien? Like seriously use a bit of common sense

    1. The Sasguatch genetic origions could very well be linked to mars past "Human Animal Hybrid" races of beings whom had migrated here eons of yrs ago from the mars calimity when it occured that i can only surmise, UC its very hard for me personally to conceive of these mysterious, mack truck strong & highly elusive creatures as being of earth origin imo...

      Also take in mind that PC or "Paranoia Crucially" among other possibly intell influnced & ad revenue fast buck makin anomalies web sites thats now poping up like wild weeds nowadays seems to have this uncanny cause to falsely recreate NASA rover images for some strange reason that i had observed for quite some time now...

      And to all that thinks of the aledged skull as a possible face skull helmet, well hell, it certainly dont look like one of my jet pilot bucket style one size fit all Thinking Helmets w/ viewer screen style visors, retractable antennas, colorfull LED's, including switches & knobs on the helmet to find tune cosmic etheric frequencies to modulate to understand things more clearly, & thats now available in assorted colors for crewmates that dont like my original matt silver w/ the blk trim thats for sure.

  12. Obviously it's a goalie mask from the Mars hockey team


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