

Alien building found near Mars Rover with 6 inch doorway, 100% proof of alien life, July 2016, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: July 20, 2016
Location of discovery: Mars
Source NASA photo:

I found a doorway, then realized that it was a building. Its rounded roof and framed entrance way is exactly like what we reported a few days ago. Again, its about 6 inches tall and 3 inches wide. Just coincidence? I think not. 

What we have here is a traditional structure created by the smaller intelligent beings on the planet. Yes, I mean to say there were beings that were over two floors tall, (King of Mars). Size is not an indicator of intelligence...not with them, and certainly not with us. One of the smartest students I had ever met, was just a litter over a meter tall, but with an intellect like no other. Life finds a way. 
Scott C. Waring


  1. what is alien? dimanakah mereka berada ? apakah allien itu ada?

  2. It looks like a complete village to me. There are houses everywhere, and when you look good, you can even see the little creatures! The building in the lower left corner looks like an apartment, with a terrace on the right

    1. Its cool in the right perspective everything is like that. Ants

  3. Very good find. Congratulations Scott.

    These structures on Mars make suoner the existence of extraterrestrial intelligence.
    I recently posted on my channel an incredible discovery.

    discovered a huge and powerful basis by Marcelo Irazusta. The Argentine researcher presents a great structure of 4.5 km in length. The characteristics of it suggests that it is artificial. The image is published in Google Nasa Moon. The coordinates are
    10 ° 48'5.75 "N 129 ° 59'25.77" E
    I would like if you can see it and comment or post. It really is a great discovery like this that are presenting us.

  4. Well, nearly every rock in this picture has a shadow on it from the same direction, and all of the rocks seem to match. I just don't see this rock as any different from the many, many rocks in the source image. Lots of them have rounded features and they all have a shadow in the same place. It doesn't stand out in any way from the rest, at all.

    Just not feeling this one. It looks like all of the rest in the image. Sorry.

    Keep up the work, though!

    1. yep came to post the same all have the shadow the same, because this one is straight doesn't mean it is a 'doorway' just a plain rock and millions of people coming here watching look in your garden plenty of these rocks

    2. Roll a smoke and have a Coke and a Smile ......

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Ok, Let's say that NAZA knew all along that there was a race of little one's along with our size and dinosaur size. Wouldn't they have just done a version of independence day? Imagine that your the little mars citizen and you see a GIGANTIC FRIGGIN ROVER FROM EARTH LAND IN THE MIDDLE OF YOUR CITY !??? They're hiding ._._.

    1. I have a distinct impression recently now is that PHOBOS IS WATCHING them my friend, so as long as those other worldly ET explores including the SSP dont get to out of hand by warring w/ ea other over territory's etc, then they wont end up ultimately getting zapped to smithereens via powerfull legged martian land observation maintenance security roovers to flyin defense & observation drones etc, & all from mars moon PHOBOS thats been for eons now inhabited by the decendents of the orig martian people from mars itself, hell i see why that large Martian Scrap Yrd havent been cleaned up, so just think why do that when theres better real estate locations on & inside mars moon PHOBOS, UC now. ;)

    2. Those more strategic martain cm sized humanoid heings have made there lives improvingly bearable in avoiding the rovers large crushing wheels in the harsh martian outback by burrowing deeper into ground, wall & large rock structures where the roovers wheels will not be such a crushing threat to them i see now, & i cannot even imagine seeing them having even there so called smaller separate structures w/ so called doorways just haphazardly out there exposed to those hungry roaming larger carnivorous creatures that may simply be the size of a adult cat to large dog thatll easily sniff them out & find them for dinner UC, so imagine yourself as a cm sized humanoid in those tough conditions that has to take daily precations for survival sake if you will fellow crewmate on Scotts ship here UC...

      Sounds like a full human survival scenario dwn there in YOUR WORLD at present time ya thk.

  6. Cool guys, thanks for your support. :)


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