

UFO Over London Has Many Similarities To A USAF TR3B, Feb 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Feb 2016
Location of sighting: London, England

I just found this, although its a few months old, its new to me and I though some of you would like to hear about it. I do believe its real, but I also believe this is alien technology used by the USAF. Its a new generation TR3B USAF craft. It has the three glowing orbs just as the TR3B has. The US military puts 98% of its top secret test flights outside of the US, so that no one will know who created them. Be we do, don't we? Just like in the 1980-90s, the US flew an alien craft over England called the Aurora Project. Its nothing new here, but I just wanted to shed some light on it, and I hope it helps. 
Scott C. Waring

News states: 
We videoed this from our flat in ponders end, Enfield, London, UK. At first glance you might think this object was a star if you didn't know what your looking for, but it's not, which I could see when I videoed with my tablet and was able to zoom in fully then I noticed what it is. I was taking pics of it before from my mobile zooming then screen shooting then zooming again to see it up close. I showed people and some of them trying to tell me maybe its a helicopter, I told them I never seen a helicopter dismantle itself and reattach itself in mid air before have you? But a lot of people are more stunned at what we have filmed. Our comments: No noise from a helicopter is detectable - so that idea can be ruled out, and going by the recording we initially see spheres, then what is perhaps a domed-top craft. Of course this may be an optical illusion, (such as caused when viewing something from an extreme distance , or even an unusual angle), but to our eyes it's as if 'windows' are sometimes visible on whatever this thing is! before it changes shape into something that's almost triangular. So, could this in fact be distorted views of the ISS - International Space Station? Well, we've done a bit of research about this and according to the astronomy sites that we have referred to, there were no visible passes of the ISS when this footage was taken, and it was in view for more than the usual 2-3 minutes which is the stated time that we can normally get a sighting opportunity of the ISS from the UK.