

Doorway Found Into Earths Moon At Bancroft Crater, Google Map, Oct 2016, Photos, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: October 26, 2016
Location of discovery: Bancroft Crater, Earths Moon
Google Earth Coordinates:  27°54'52.71"N     6°23'23.82"W

I found this entrance to an underground alien base inside of Bancroft crater. The dark opening measures 70 meters by 50 meters exactly. The outer edges measure 114 meters by 114 meters. I used Google ruler to measure this, so it is their statistics. The base entrance is just outside the shadow of the crater, which means it was placed there deliberately to be in the light and make entering and exiting it with smaller ships much easier. Similar base entrance have been found before. For instance, a very similar entrance was found on Google Mars and was 160 meters across, but with similar design. (Click here to view the Mars entrance).
Scott C. Waring


  1. Mars & moon have this similar entrance??how bout that!?

  2. Since presidential candidates have no interest in returning to the moon I suspect the Chinese or Russians will be walking through this door first.

  3. Since presidential candidates have no interest in returning to the moon I suspect the Chinese or Russians will be walking through this door first.

    1. Lol!! Nah,wouldn't think that is on top their list.

  4. i do not think is a door just something blacked out of the photo


    1. possibly correct. NASA might be covering up a structure and the sides of it are still visible.

    2. sharp edges in over compressed jpgs causes that ghosting artifact. Sure something could be blacked out but the bright edge is most likely a JPG artifact of the black out. **this is not me explaining all odd openings away.

  5. When I first read your theory about the moon, I was dumbfounded. Then I kept finding other info to support it. Now it seems anything is possible

  6. When I first read your theory about the moon, I was dumbfounded. Then I kept finding other info to support it. Now it seems anything is possible

    1. Thanks, I have been finding moon anomalies since 1980s. Mars anomalies since 1970s. They have been visible a long time to the public, but most go ignored for some unknown reason.

    2. sir what is the main reason NASA hide this and not transparent with public .... problem with RUSSIA & CHINA

  7. The one of Mars is more interesting more clear detailed

  8. The one of Mars is more interesting more clear detailed

  9. hi friend's......
    very soon we meet with Alien's.....
    technology is growing so NASA & RUSSIA can't hide Alien's any more

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Lots of anomalies around the Moon.
    Look for example at the moon crater at
    26°19'21.12"N 27°40'29.50"O
    The side 'door' approx 250mx200m looks everything but natural....

  11. Or also look close to Mons La Hire
    27°36'20.96"N 25°26'44.64"O
    The 'white' regular construction (in separate 'squares' approx 100x70m) does not look like a single pixel anomaly.

  12. Are the Alians inside the moon friendly or are we going to war

    1. A thought had came to me yrs ago that there are mostly the malevolent races thats waiting for our/YOUR butts to do each other in on a global scale w/ a 99.9 or more assured human annihilation afterwards, & afterwards when the planet settles down well well well, here comes the hybrid humans to reseed your past world, & listen a yr to you is a sec to them, so naturally there patient new home owners...

      Mu Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha, & just hope the fireworks dont start in the next 4 OR even better, NEVER oK. πŸŒ€✨⚡πŸ’₯🌟


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