

UFO Buzzes Over Washington DC On Day Trump Is Elected US President, Nov 9, 2016, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting:  Nov 9, 2016
Location of sighting: Washington DC, USA

This UFO was seen today over Washington and in one part of the video, the UFO comes into focus as it tilts slightly so we can see its top surface. Its a half disk shape and should not be over Washington without being intercepted by several F16s which watch this airspace. Apparently this UFO didn't show up on radar. US radar towers have not been updated much since its invention and need a serious upgrade to catch UFOs in US airspace. 

Its my belief that this UFO was over Washington to see how Obama was taking the news of the next US president being Trump. Will Trump reveal UFO info to the public, or will he skirt this issue?
Scott C. Waring-Taiwan

Eyewitness states: 

Check this out Angel Spotted in the sky this afternoon over Washington D.C. whats the meaning of this awesome sighting.


  1. wow the real world is really scary ;-; well welcome to earth angels ;p This web site is great for my homework thanks :D

  2. I wish I had that much time to waste. I`m always surprised by people whom spend time on this stuff. Blurry pictures of crap and someone who think maybe they saw something. Who cares? And one thing; people take pictures every day now, perfect and clear pictures. But the moment something weird happens, then everythig turn to shit. Suddenly they can`t hold the camera, can`t focus, can`t do anything. And then it`s right back to taking crystal clear selfies and crap. And one thing you idiots seem to never consider; let`s say you are right. It`s all aliens and doorways on jupiter, women on mars and it`s all true. So what? What are you going to do? Absolutely nothing. Because you are just a regular guy who can`t do anything, wasting your lifes on blurry pictures and peoples lies. Good luck with that. If I met a real alien right now, a tall grey one and it said "come with me and I`ll show you the wonders of the universe", I`d say "fuck you and fuck off". Becasue I don`t care, it doesn`t matter. Why do you people never understand that?

  3. Perhaps a flying fartpillow from outer space with its very good visible tabasco afterburner. We all know a similar effect when we eat ham and beans.

    Keep the fire burning!

  4. Lidar sensors can see these ufos. Why not update the towers with lidar equipment for less then a million of tax payer money? They spent $8 trillion of it last year on what?

  5. Dammit I missed this. Dont know what time it was shot, but I work in Silver Spring, and am about 8 miles from the District Line when at work. I do remember seeing a ton of contrails in the sky last evening...

    1. I work in Arlington but was off yesterday, so I'm bummed out. I used to live in a high-rise off of 395 and would see crazy lights over the Pentagon and Reagan airport

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I dont imagine soon to retire Mr Obama being worried about crap now, & him just short now by wks to a very nice GS executive branch retirement w/ the perks like all former U.S. presidents after a two term presidency w/ out getting wacked for being who he is in the 1st place, however if Ms Clinton a woman was awaiting the U.S. excecutive seat, well i asure you that Mr Dumps future U.S.brown shirts would be causing more chaos domestically as there beginning to do already according to recent news developments, youll soon zee the dangerous fraud & threat to americas internal domestic security & possibly now YOUR WORLD that this putrid individual really is, & just mo's after his jan 20 swear in, or lets say before 2017's yrs end...

    I predict americas government to its nation wide social infrastructure being run roughshod to the ground in short order by this damdable & corrupt Dump admin to come, just mark my word & peace. 😎✌

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Goto your safe space and color your coloring book, liberal propaganda believing fool.

  7. Nov 10 at 8:10pm in Fort Worth, Tx we saw a plane chasing an orb going east towards dfw. It was on it's tail but then the orb shot off faster than a jet. I called the local airforce base and was given a very bogus story. 5 other people in DFW witnessed this that I know of. A piolet in Euless,Tx called in to coast to coast radio and talked about it as well. It was obvious what we saw was a UFO.


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