
UFO Buzzes Over Washington DC On Day Trump Is Elected US President, Nov 9, 2016, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting:  Nov 9, 2016
Location of sighting: Washington DC, USA

This UFO was seen today over Washington and in one part of the video, the UFO comes into focus as it tilts slightly so we can see its top surface. Its a half disk shape and should not be over Washington without being intercepted by several F16s which watch this airspace. Apparently this UFO didn't show up on radar. US radar towers have not been updated much since its invention and need a serious upgrade to catch UFOs in US airspace. 

Its my belief that this UFO was over Washington to see how Obama was taking the news of the next US president being Trump. Will Trump reveal UFO info to the public, or will he skirt this issue?
Scott C. Waring-Taiwan

Eyewitness states: 

Check this out Angel Spotted in the sky this afternoon over Washington D.C. whats the meaning of this awesome sighting.