

Ancient Alien Faces On Mars In NASA Rover Photo, 100% Real! March 2019, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: March 7, 2019
Location of discovery: Mars
Source photo:

I was totally blown away while making this video below. I found that not only was there one alien human like face, but there was actually dozens of other giant artefacts that I had not noticed before. There were several large faces on the top of the hill, most looking out or up at the sky. This tells me they were all placed there on purpose. None were upside or fallen over. 

I also found a cyborg face. I have never found a half tech half alien face before so this was very unexpected and exciting. It means that alien on Mars did integrate technology into themselves, not just around them, but in them. 

The size of the ancient artefacts and the huge number of them in this photo really blew me away. At first when I looked at the photo, it looked boring and empty, but on closer inspection I found a flood of evidence that Mars once had a thriving intelligent culture on it. 
Scott C. Waring-Taiwan