

Farscape Actress Confesses Her Belief In The Existence Of Aliens On Twitter, March 2019, UFO Sighting News.

I Tweeted to Farscape actress Gigi Edgley this week asking if she has ever seen a UFO before. She replied but only said, "I defiantly believe we are not alone :) "

Since she was from Australia I was thinking that she may have caught a sighting of a UFO sometime in her life, but being an actress, most of her time is probably spent indoors. I was wondering if she was ever inspired by UFO sighting and wondered how it may have influenced her role on Farscape, be she didn't reveal that to me. Very cool she answered me. The Farscape sci-fi series is one of the greatest space adventures of our time. The show includes bio-mechanical living ships, multi species crews, aliens that even Star Wars directors couldn't think up and a script that unbeatable. Check it out sometime. 

Scott C. Waring