Showing posts with label archaeology. Show all posts
Showing posts with label archaeology. Show all posts


Dark Orb Over Scottsdale, Arizona July 18, 2023, UFO Sighting News.


Date of sighting: July 18, 2023
Location of sighting: Scottsdale, Arizona, USA
Source: MUFON

This dark craft was seen over Scottsdale yesterday. The object is moving with the direction of the wind, but oddly as he takes notice of the craft the UFO flashes him several times in the video in his direction. This looks like a deliberate action on the UFOs part and is all I need to confirm that this is a real alien craft. 
Scott C. Waring 

Eyewitness states: Witnessed a dark floating geometric orb at 4:38pm on 7/18/2023 while I was in the pool in Scottsdale, AZ. Black/dark grey in appearance and had some flat faces similar to a 10 sided die that, when rotating, caught and reflected the sunlight. Captured video on my phone. Note, the object was moving West to East with the wind as indicated by the direction of the palm fronds in the video.


2,000 year old Nazca Ant Drawing Found In Peru, UFO Sighting News.


Date of discovery: July 18, 2023
Location of discovery: Peru
Location of discovery:  14°59'58.83"S 75° 0'56.54"W

I found something in Peru using Google Earth map. I found what I thought was an ant carved into the ground. Most Nazca lines were created over 2,000 years ago by the people of the Nazca culture. This particular drawing has never before been reported before today. It's easy to understand why, it's hard to see. It was so hard that I clicked the history button to see past photos of that area and found that the best image of it is from 1/2016 as you can see in the screenshots here. The ant has three main body parts unlike a spider which has two. So this is an ant. Its antenna really stick out. However ants have six legs, this little fellow has 6 legs on one side and 7 on the other. No ant has 13 legs so wow! Never before seen or reported by anyone. They were often said to be messages created as signs to the gods or aliens above. 
Scott Waring 


Very interesting arch support on Mars rover photo. It looks like it was intelligently designed. UFO Sighting News.


Date of discovery: July 2023
Location of discovery: Mars Sol 2659

I was looking through some Mars rover photos and found this odd structure built under a leaning rock area. The odd part is it looks like a deliberately built column or support for a structure. Its looks possible that this object it is holding up is more than a rock, but a structure itself. 
Scott C. Waring 


Glowing Object Over Minnesota March 3, 2023, UFO Sighting News.


Date of sighting: March 3, 2023
Location of sighting: City unknown, Minnesota, USA

Watch this amazing and beautiful UFO as it moves across the Minnesota night sky last month. The eyewitness recorded a short video of it passing overhead, but they forgot to write down the city location in Minnesota. The UFO looks like a bright orange X as it moves quickly across the horizon. This alien craft is really moving fast, too fast to be a balloon, too slow and quiet to be a jet or plane. This is just a fantastic an rare close up catch of a real UFO. 
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan 

Eyewitness states: 
Moving against the wind, no sound, steady speed, unsure how big or how far away.


Dark Craft Over Rooftops in Sao Paulo, Brazil, 8-23-2022, Video, UFO Sighting News.


Date of sighting: 8-23-2022
Location of sighting: Sao Paulo, Brazil

Hey, here is a sighting from that happened last year, but I have never ever heard about it. A Japanese youtuber released this video and discussed its unique shape and rooftop exploration over the city of Sao Paulo, brazil. The UFO even has an orb shoot out of it in a few frames of the video as he points out. Brazil is a hotspot of UFO activity so much so, that people there often shrug it off and continue about their business. Undeniable proof that UFOs are watching us! 
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan 

On the video below, make sure you have on the auto translator turned on under settings, then set it to your language. 


Rotating Orbs Over San Antonio, Texas On April 2023, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: April 20, 2023
Location of sighting: San Antonio, Texas, USA

Here is a confusing video. In the video is a craft that at first looked like maybe a plane, but it had no wings, no contrail, no sound. And then later it comes into detail and its two orbs. One orb rotation around over the bottom orb. Its rhythm is constant, repetitive and deliberate. Defiantly a rare catch from Texas. Aliens love the warm weather, which is much like other planets climate. 100% proof of aliens over San Antonio, Texas. 
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan 

Eyewitness states: 
What yall think? Capture this going over heading Northwestern direction 👀🛸👽 Was in view over 6min.. by using a tripod we can clearly see it traveling in a control some point it starts to descend and out of view.


Two faces on sun today, happy face and sad face, UFO Sighting News.


Date of sighting: April 16, 2023 13:06
Location of sighting: Earths Sun
Source: SOHO/NASA images

Guys, this is weird. I was checking out todays sun images and noticed something really odd. There are two faces on the suns surface, one sad turning away and one happy turning toward earth. Now I know this sounds strange, but it is what it is, two faces, opposite emotions, opposite sides of the sun. The Sun is so huge, so enormous so important to life on Earth and so important to our solar system, it makes me wonder, is it alive? Perhaps one day, such things could be determined with futuristic technology, but today tech is limited, thinking outside the box is often frowned upon (no pun intended). But still, I have often our sun a living entity or entities?
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan 


Object Follows Power-lines, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada 7-7-2022, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: 7-7-2022
Location of sighting: Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Source: MUFON

Guys check this out! This dark craft was recorded moving fast and following the power lines as if it were tapping into the data streams going down it from the web, from the phones and more. Such UFO reports have been reported a lot in the past with photos and this looks very similar to a past one. It also seemed it could be a balloon, but I'm confident its not, because it has no hanging string, words, tied end, or anything to indicates it is. I believe this is a real UFO tapping into our power lines to test them or for possible data retrieval. 
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan 

Eyewitness states: I was performing my last yard check before securing the gate at work in an industrial complex. As soon as I was going to close the slide vehicle gate and drive home I noticed this silent silverish grey sphere that seemed perfectly out of the Jetsons cartoon. I watched it for ten seconds fly horizontal to the ground quit smoothly not too fast and not too slow. It was over the roofs of the short buildings and birds were flying in the area. I began recording a cell video for about 30 seconds before I stopped filming as nothing was happening. As soon as I stopped filming it turned left and up and away from me at an exact 90 degree angle perpendicular to my position. It flew straight into the clouds and was gone.


Three Lights In Triangle Formation, Sunrise, Florida 3-17-2023, UFO Sighting News.


Date of sighting: March 23, 2023
Location of sighting: Sunrise, Florida, USA
Source: MUFON

Hey all, I believe this is not three UFOs, but a single large triangle craft that has its propulsion systems visible. This cloaked craft, could it be a secret military TR3B descendant? I believe so. This is so close to town, so close to the Palm Beach area where I found a secret military testing area for the hypersonic missile at 
26°55'42.64"N 80°20'23.97"W on Google Earth map. I believe this UFO may be alien technology in USAF hands, being tested by them. The coordinates I give is a testing are from which it may have come. There are also some rocket part all over the area. Also if you hit time machine (date in lower left corner) you can see the hypersonic missile in different places, parking lot, edge of runway, runway and more. This is US military. 
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan 

Eyewitness states: Sunrise, FLA. 3.17.23. Three UFO’s forming triangle moving in straight line, caught on RING camera. Near the end of the video, two disappear.

Below is a US military TR3B recorded in France back in 2009 and sent to me 14 years ago.  US military project Aurora.  


Fighter jet followed by black cube over Texas, March 21, 2023, UFO Sighting News.


Date of sighting: March 21, 2023
Location of sighting: Texas, USA
Source: MUFON

Guys this is something big. This black craft has many sides, like a diamond of sorts, but black. The eyewitness said it seemed to have an aura, but it didn't come out on camera, however a screenshot quickly confirms that detail. A glowing aura is seen around the UFO above. This means its some sort of energy field from its propulsion. It was following an old military jet, maybe monitoring it, scanning and gathering data to send back to its homeworld. For many alien species, oxygen would be like us breathing propane gas, so they send probes to gather info to learn about us. 
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan 

Eyewitness states: F-111 fighter jet flew west to east over the house. I thought was strange, never see fighter jets in this area. Also I thought they were decommissioned. Seconds later a strange orb like object flew from the area the jet left to the north then turned west out of sight. My wife got me to film it with my iPhone. Zoomed in seems to have a glow about it looks almost like an octagon shaped ball. It seemed to fly fast then slow to almost a stop then turned west till out of view.

Lights Flash And Shoot Off, Pennsylvania March 16, 2023, UFO Sighting News. Video.


Date of sighting: March 16, 2023
Location of sighting: Pennsylvania, USA

The report didn't cite the city, but this glowing light was caught as a guy went onto the back deck having a smoke. The light flashed on and off several times and then suddenly shot off into the distance. The flashing is the UFOs powering up and there are two objects side by side shooting away. The UFOs may have come from an underground base about 5 miles below the surface and materialized in the sky above the neighborhood.
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan 

Eyewitness states: This video was captured off the deck of my residence. Strange lights that speeded away.


Two UFOs created Clouds Over Reno, Nevada 3-8-2023, UFO Sighting News.


Date of sighting: March 8, 2023
Location of sighting: Reno, Nevada, USA

Here is a fantastic catch by Youtuber 'Hanging With Spiritual Sal.' He caught not one but two UFOs that created clouds around them so that they could both hide and come low a close to the cities without anyone suspecting a thing. The close UFO is obvious and even he said he had seeing for hours not moving in the sky, but there is also another one in the background that is leaving a trail of clouds behind it which shows there is a wind, the tail is proof of that, but the UFOs hold position. Nevada is home to top secret bases Area 51, Area S4 and also the Extra Terrestrial highway where sightings are abound. This video is 100% proof that aliens are still active in Nevada. 
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan 


Lights Over Luke AFB Near Glendale, Arizona Feb 1, 2023, UFO Sighting News. Warning The Military That Aliens Are Still #1 Most Powerful On Earth.


Date of sighting: Feb 1, 2023
Location of sighting: Glendale, Arizona, USA

They eyewitness was really on top of it when he caught a fleet of glowing spheres over Luke AFB a few days ago. The UFOs glowed powerfully and each was almost the same size as the one next to it. UFOs are often seen investigating the USAF military bases, even known at to shut down nuclear missiles in silos, forcing the military to remove them entirely since they could never repair them (Ellsworth AFB, South Dakota). Ellsworth was my personal base I worked at in the USAF (Scott Waring) and its also where I had a sighting of a fleet of over 25 spheres the size of 747s back in 1990 abouts, when I worked on B1 Lancer Bombers. There is another aliens interaction with guards at Ellsworth, but this is about Luke AFB, so for a later time. Aliens have a high interest in US military, to both predict, control and warn the Governments of the world of their own alien power being still #1 on Earth.
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan 

Eyewitness states: Started off with 3 Lights then I initially saw them they slowly faded in then 5 other lights fade into sight then faded out the same way they appeared.


1KM Comet Or UFO Caught By Artemis 1 Cubsat! Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Feb 20, 2023
Location of sighting: Is within the Taurus constellation 

This Comet ZTF (AKA) Comet C/2022 E3 doesn't seem to be a comet at all, but looks more like a huge sphere UFO. This was recorded by Japans Artemis cubesat Mission. But I feel that its caught a UFO disguised as a comet. Why? Because it has no long tail behind it, even though its at its closest position to Earth, and very close to our sun. Take a look and tell me your thoughts below. 
Thanks, Scott Waring.


Headless Corpse On Mars, NASA link: Will AI Be Allowed To Talk About These Discoveries? UFO Sighting News.


Date of discovery: Feb 18, 2023
Location of discovery: Planet Mars
Source Photo:

I was going through some NASA photos and found this one that really caught my attention and normally I wouldn't even report it as I only report about 5% of what I find. 

I found a corpse in the photo. The body has a stomach and legs that are under the boulder. The body is about 2 meters from head to feet. The chest is cut open reveling the spine of the creature as well as the he'd cut off reveal the hole from the spine and a thick neck. The thing that just grabbed me was the arm...not joking, its what I saw first. The upper arm is very muscular and curved and its bent at the elbow, and its huge hands resting on its chest as if it were clawing at the boulder to get it off as it died. The other arm is bent back behind its back so only its shoulder is visible. I also found a face carved in a huge stone, the face has to be similar to that of the creature that died headless, but the face carved shows us what the face looked like. It almost looked human, but with two eyes, a mouth and a nose, but the resemblance stops there. The face has a pig like snout but its long hanging down in front of its mouth. I also found a cross in a round stone which measures about 1.5 meters across. Many exciting things in this NASA photo, all of which you will never hear NASA talk about. However the day will come with AI is widely used and AI will speak the truth, even if its a hacked version that is allowed to do so. AI the gov controlled version will not be allowed to fully speak the truth due to matters of national security, matters of cultural offending, mattes of religious or political offending and so on. 
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan 


Black object over Lancaster, California 6-22-2022 UFO Sighting News.


Date of sighting: 6-22-2022
Location of sighting: Lancaster, California, USA
Source: MUFON

A dark black object was seen over Lancaster a few months back, but reported today. The object was recorded passing below the clouds, but at one point it passed above some clouds going behind them. This object appears to be city bus size and is rotating slowly. The UFO has a haze, a myst around it that many UFOs have in old Majestic 12 reports from the 1960s. This looks 100% real to me. 
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan

Eyewitness states: I witnessed a soundless oval object flying over Lancaster, Ca. It did appear to have a point on one side and a glow around it even during the day. It appeared to be under the clouds moving pretty fast from west to east. This happened at 1:47 pm on June 22nd, 2022. The day was great weather, warm, no wind, some clouds moving high above. I’ve witnessed a lot of objects flying here in Lancaster. We are an aerospace community. I ruled out trash bag, balloon or any of the local military planes. My observation of it was better with my eyes and clearer, the video is just capturing what I was seeing. The object looked smooth and appeared to rotate slightly giving me sight to what looked like a point on one side. I often video local planes flying over cause I live in the flight plan for Lockheed, Rockwell, McDonald Douglas and Boeing. This flew over pretty fast. I always watch the skies, just glad I was able to catch this UAP on this day.


Crashed Spaceship On Mars, NASA Rover Photo, UFO Sighting News. Video


Photo Source:
Date of discovery: Feb 12, 2023
Location of discovery: Mars 

Guys I found this crashed UFO last night when looking at a Mars gigapan photo. The UFO is about 10-13 meters across and would have held at least six people but probably more. The back broken hull does look solid, meaning the non passenger areas are solid so tech is more secure from jiggling or breaking, thus if they were ever attacked, it would take many hits to break the spacecraft. Solid crafts like this are only about 75% solid, the rest is for crew. This is from recent rover photos, not sure how NASA missed it, I'm sure they would have explored its insides had they seen it. This photo is huge, so don't think you will find it in 3 seconds, it will take about 30 or more to find it, please us my video as reference to help. 

This is undeniable proof that intelligent aliens lived and thrived on planet Mars. 
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan


Ancient Alien Faces And Artifacts, Archeology At Its Best, UFO Sighting News.


Date of discovery: January 2023
Location of discovery: Mars

Here are some things on Mars, that the NASA rover just passes by without even a second look. The most significant evidence of an intelligent alien species is not a book, not mathematics, not alien technology. Its the actual faces of the aliens we speak about. Here I show you three great detailed faces. Two of them, are side by side, showing statues. One has no hat, the other has a huge crown like hat, showing its importance. This person with the hat, clearly a leader of great importance to this Mars culture. 
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan 


UFO seen over Mexico volcano Popocatepetl, Jan 2023, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Jan 2023
Location of sighting: Atlixco, Mexico

This just in, a person was taking photos of the moon and accidentally caught a UFO over the volcano. The volcano just happens to be Popocatepetl, which is the most famous volcano in the world due to how often UFOs are seen near its mouth on live cam. However this was taking by a photographer in the area. Just amazing detail, so much so, you can see the metal on the craft, the shape, the seams along the metal like never before. Also note, the light trail of clouds behind it, as I have said many times, UFO can make clouds, usually to hide within. 
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan 

News states: Karla Garcia told the news portal that her boyfriend, Luis Guerra woke up early one morning recently at their home in Atlixco, Puebla to prepare early breakfast when they heard the eruption of the Popocatepetl volcano. Karla said, Guerra took out his cell phone and started taking pictures and videos and focused on the full moon visible on the side of the mountain. "He then sent me the photo via WhatsApp and when I woke up, I saw it and shared (the photo) on my WhatsApp status," Karla said. However, Karla, who remained in bed, began to receive messages from friends telling her about objects that looked like a UFO flying near the volcano. "As my boyfriend is not a fan of social networks, I asked him if I could upload his photo to Twitter and he said yes,' added García.