
Did aliens contact Boeing Starliner at NASA space-station today? UFO UAP Sighting News.


Boeing Starliner contacted NASA Mission Control and asked them what this strange sound was coming from the Starliner speakers. He held the microphone up to the speaker and a pinging sound or sonar sound came from it. It's very possible this was a radio transmission sent from an alien ship to the spacestation to make contact. Radio waves are primitive to aliens, but when in Rome...do as the Romans do so that they understand one another better. 

Scott C. Waring 


AI Corrects Three UFO Photos From Nov 2005! Vancouver Island, Canada! UAP Sighting News.


Here is an interesting sighting with three photos of a UFO from different angles. The UFO was over a harbor area on Vancouver Island. When ai focuses it, we see an oval disk craft with an open cockpit on top. Very odd, never seen such a thing before. You may dislike ai or love it, either way, it's here to stay, so get use to it. It's a tool, until the day comes when we humans become tools for ai. 

Scott C. Waring 


AI Repairs Three UFO Photos From 1990s Italy, Orbit, Mexico, UAP Sighting News. VIDEO!


Please hit like and subscribe, thanks all, Scott. Sighting dates below. 1. Salerno, Italy April 9, 1992 
2. Earths orbit, NASA shuttle discovery Sept 1993 
3. Puebla, Mexico December 8, 1992 

I am trying to go through many different sightings of the past and use ai to repair and focus the photos. Yes ai is a very controversial thing right now, because many people fear everything about it. But I am here to tell you, it's a tool to be used. It's allowing the public to see photos that are crystal clear and focused for the first time ever! 
Scott C. Waring 



AI focuses asteroid and moon photo, whats this white structure? UFO UAP Sighting News.


1st source: 

Guys this is crazy cool. I was looking at an asteroid photo that was released this week and it had an alien ship that looked like nothing I have ever seen before...only visible with ai focusing. 

Also I found an intestine huge structure I estimate to be 1600 meters across on the moon. This moon photo was taken by the NASA JUICE mission also from this week. I put it though ai, but even without ai focusing...its still visible! Mind-blowing detail either way and 100% proof of intelligent aliens on Earths moon. 
Scott C. Waring 


AI Corrects Three UFO Photos, Colorado, Florida, California 1995-6, UAP Sighting News.


1. Denver, Colorado Jan 1996 
2. Florida, USA 1996 
3. Borrego Desert, California Jan 1995

Hey everyone, hope all is well. I ran three more UFO photos from three sightings through ai and found the sharpened images very impressive. The objects were defiantly 100% proof a an actual flying craft. Who is flying it is another issue. They could be flown by aliens, US military, drones and so on. But I don't feel any US pilot would fly such top secret craft over public locations, so I rule that out. Aliens also have ai drones flying around our planet, because why risk their lives when they can risk a drone instead? 
Scott C. Waring 


AI Corrects Three UFO Photos From 1990s In Russia, Mexico, USA, UAP Sighting News.

Date of sightings: 1st, Mexico City, Mexico Aug 6, 1996
Date of sighting: 2nd, Washington State, USA Nov 21, 1999
Date of sighting: 3rd, Moscow, Russia 1989

Hey all, I used ai to sharpen the detail of three famous UFO sightings, and it was very interesting. The detail is just fantastic and it really cleans out the fuzziness and blur most the time. Take a look at the video below and tell me your thoughts. 
Scott C. Waring


AI Corrects Six Billy Meier UFO Earliest Photos 1970s, Do You Believe Him? UAP Sighting News. Video!


Now I have lived over 5 decades and I can honestly say that I see the publics opinions of UFO sway with that of TV how hosts opinion rather than decide for themselves. I decided to take some of the earliest photos of Billy Meier of Switzerland and see for myself using AI to detect anomalies and focus everything. All went well until the last of the photos, when I ai detected something strange, a white line above a UFO, not that of an antenna, because the UFO was tilted and any center antenna would also be tilted, this was as if something were holding onto the UFO from above. You watch and decide for yourself. But in my opinion, most the earlier photos are real, but due to social pressure, Billy may have resorted to faking later sightings for personal gain. 

Scott C. Waring


AI Corrects Three UFO Photos, All From 1979! Billy Meier Photo! UAP Sighting News.


1. Switzerland March 8, 1979 
2. Santa Monica, California Feb 1979 
3. Mestre, Venice, Italy June 1979.

Now here are three unique and interesting cases, all with photos, all from 1979. AI really cleans things up and these three cases became crystal clear. All the photos do have craft in them, all appear to be real and all are different. But there is something new, special that I noticed in two of the photos...there is a white glimmer of shiny reflection at the top area where a cockpit might exist. In both the photos, I saw something and pointed it out in the video. I believe my theory is correct about the cockpits appearing to have a white reflection in order to prevent photos or visual confirmation of the pilots inside. 
Scott C. Waring


AI Focused UFO Behind Nellis Air Force Base, Nevada, Jan 2016, UFO Sighting News.


Date of sighting: Jan 2016
Location of sighting: behind Nellis AFB, Nevada, USA

Guys, I decided to use ai to focus this old sighting from 2016 and wow it blew my mind! The detail is amazing, but I have to admit, I have never seen anything like it. This is different, it's unique unlike anything ever. And it's flying slowly over top secret USAF land that is dangerous to enter.
Scott C. Waring


AI Focused Sunken Shipwreck Off Wisteria Island, Florida Keys, UFO Sighting News. 4K HD.


Hey all, I was asked by many followers of mine on Youtube to use my ai focusing program on something different. So here we go. This is a ship I discovered in the Florida Keys, USA back in 2023. Watch the video, see for yourself if ai is capable of focusing all photos or just human faces. The proof is in the pudding. 
Scott C. Waring