The UFO landed on the roof and slowly took off, fully knowing a person was watching and recording it not far away. This shows that aliens do want to be seen, do want to be recorded, and do want to be known.
Scott C. Waring
Eyewitness states: At 9:33pm, I recorded these videos and photos in Brick while facing north at an angle of roughly 25-30 degrees. As the drone or UAP flew overhead, I was able to capture one photo. Its size was substantial, and its altitude was lower than that of any standard airplane I have seen. This is still happening over here.
Many orbs buzzing around US military aircraft on March 1, 2024, causing electrical disturbance to aircraft navigation, glowing plasma forms around his aircraft (St Elmos Fire) due to a strong electric field. Over Palm Beach, Florida...restricted airspace area. A gunship (likely an AC-130 or similar aircraft) was deployed to assess the situation. "Nobles" might be the callsign for a flight or unit. "CAP" stands for Combat Air Patrol, meaning they were actively monitoring the airspace. "Huntress" is the callsign for the Eastern Air Defense Sector (EADS), which monitors and defends U.S. airspace. They were informed of the UAP, and "Nobles" were ordered to keep their distance.
It's clear here that these orbs were making a show of force, showing what they were capable of doing and yet...doing no real harm, except frightening the pilot and making their existence known.
What do they look like and how big? Well I discovered a fleet of silver spheres on Google Earth map restricted airspace area about ten years this video and see the truth. I hope you are ready for it. My video is below...and you know I have to say it...but...I told you so.
Location of sighting: Franklinville, New Jersey, USA
This just in. A woman recorded this glowing drone over New Jersey just last night. The craft is unlike any aircraft I have ever seen and looks to be hovering in place. There was no sound and looked to be car size.
Now just because the US gov calls them drones does not mean they are really drones. The gov just doesn't want to get recorded saying UFO. Yes I believe the drones to be alien craft and the US gov has zero control over a superior species.
Scott C. Waring - Utah
Eyewitness states:
I took this right now at 8:24pm franklinville nj
this is the same one in both videos just taken a minute apart.
Okay, sure, this is an oldie, but I have never seen it so I imagine many others have not too. I added light to the photo and a triangle UFO was clearly there. The photographer was taking photos of Mars, which was rising early on 01-08-03. Mars was close to Venus, and the witness took several photographs.
He was not happy with his first photos, because of the cloud cover. So, he took a few more snaps, and just before calling the session over, he noticed a slow-moving object, fairly bright to the naked eye.
He took a couple of photos of it and was surprised later when he reviewed the photos.
What he captured on film was a definite triangle-shaped object. Taken at 7:18 AM.
Now this was recorded just two weeks ago and you can hear the excitement in the girls voice as she sees the sphere move about. I have witnessed the exact color of sphere long ago, coming just 2 meters from me after I summoned it. Anyone can, and I think the girl did but didn't realize it. They are curious about us, curious about who we are, how we see the world and how we react when we see them. Yes, they have emotions and they do fear us because we are an unpredictable species. This is 100% real, I stake my reputation on it!
Date of sighting: Jan 23, 2025 Location of sighting: Frederick, Maryland, USA
Yeah I know don't add music to videos but hey, I put it on Tiktok and it had no sound so we needed something. This person was a passenger in a car driving through Maryland when they noticed four glowing spheres in the distance. Kind of lucky for us that someone noticed it and recorded it for us to see and share. Do you notice that the orbs are in different positions and flying together?
Date of sighting: Feb 6, 2025 Location of sighting: Los Angeles, California, USA
Wow, we have seen UFOs over LA before and they are famous for it there, some aliens even live and work in Beverly Hills and Hollywood. But here are some military helicopters following glowing orange spheres. There orange spheres have not wings, propellers, sound or bodies, other than being a sphere. This is 100% proof that UFOs exist and they are flying right over us, and the US military knows and watches out for them to keep them and us safe.
This is directly from Asia and it was recorded just a few days ago. A glowing white sphere was seen passing over his building and this video is special because it shows its movement, speed, color all while the UFO watches the person watching it. Yes they are as curious about you as you are about them.
Now here is a classic black diamond craft moving slowly over Arizona last week. The object was seen by a person who was on his way to work, but stopped to record this object and then went off because he was late. Short footage is still 100% evidence!
Watch this video and you will see something shooting across the sky like a comet, but there is a second glowing object ahead of it. Absolute amazing raw footage and no it's not a rocket. UFO can disguise themselves in many ways, making themselves appear as meteors, comets, planes and yes...even the moon and stars themselves.